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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new hockey season

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hey guys its been a few months since ive been here but my season is starting soon and i want to get a new 2 piece stick. i have a XXX lite and i really don't like it. i want a 2 piece stick that has feel but is also on the lighter side and i don't know whats out there right now!

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Warrior Dolomite (tapered) and AK 27 (regular) are the current 'flavors of the month'.

I agree depending on your choice of curve and lie. Great combo.

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Are people still finding the torque issue with these sticks that the inno's had. I would assume that they do. For those who have tried a prostock warrior were they any better or do they still torque open.

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I recently got a pretty good deal on a Bauer Vapor XV shaft. Nice ammount of tacky feel, concave and tapered shaft.

Much less torque than my Montreal beast of a OPS.

For the five games and four pick-up sessions I've played in I'd recommend it.

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i have a pm9 curve or a modano curve with my current sticks,what would be something similar to this?

I believe the,

DRAPER(warrior)=Eastons sakic /NBH Naslund,

Federov(warrior)=Eastons Forsberg/Modano which is NHB Hossa

Correct me if i'm wrong

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i have a pm9 curve or a modano curve with my current sticks,what would be something similar to this?

I believe the,

DRAPER(warrior)=Eastons sakic /NBH Naslund,

Federov(warrior)=Eastons Forsberg/Modano which is NHB Hossa

Correct me if i'm wrong

NBH St Louis (I think they changed the name earlier this year).

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