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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton 1500c Vs.Vapor XXX

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As far as what i've seen in the past, vapor xxx's have been breaking down after about a season of competitve use. Jr.B players around here were going through 2 pairs a season.

I never saw any of that with the synergy product, but i havnet skated in the 1500c so its possible they dont havethe 'feel' of the xxx

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You can't compate those two. Simply because they are two different skates. You can compare the 1300 C to the XXX's but if you want to compare Easton's top dog to Bauer's top dog you'd have to compare it to the one90's and altough I am still waiting for my one90's I can tell you they are the nicest skates I ever had on, but not to say the 1500C are bad its and pretty solid skate to. So go with what fits the best.

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I agree with you on both levels there.

Definitely go with whats best and the one90s are bar none the best i've tried on.

I have a pair of custom grafs that dont feel as good as the one90s did out of the box

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The 1500's are much more durable than the xxx's. Just go with what fits because they fit very differently. If the 1500's fit go with them it's a better skate. For the amount of money the xxx's cost, they should last a lot longer

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