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Rbk 8k or Nike/Bauer 8000

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I have been using the Rbk 8k shin gaurds for about a year and a couple months, and I'm looking to get new ones due to size. I'm wondering which i should go with. The 8k's offered me great protection but broke down alot quicker then what i expected. Would the 8000's offer just as much protection maybe even more? Also I'm a defenseman and protection would be the main thing im looking at because I block shots. Thanks in advance.

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absolutely love my 8000's.

im a d man too blocking shots all the time is no problemo.

one concern tho is that there is a removable liner that you can take out and wash but it breaks down REAL fast and turned into basically mush.

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I've used my 8k shins all year and they're holding up perfect. Being a DMan i couldn't ask for better protection.

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absolutely love my 8000's.

im a d man too blocking shots all the time is no problemo.

one concern tho is that there is a removable liner that you can take out and wash but it breaks down REAL fast and turned into basically mush.

Yeah the same thing with the 8k's to they have the removable liner thats whats breaking down.

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I really liked my 8000s also, but like said before, the liners broke down quickly, especially around the bottom of my shins. I'm using S9s and love them. Better protection than the 8000s, and the liner is really nice. Kind of hard to describe but you can see pics of the inside on some sites. Liner looks the same as it did when I first got them about 1.5 months ago.

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8K's hands down. Best protection on the market. The Bauer 8000 shin pads are a nice pad as well and should give you adequate protection also. It really depends on the fit your looking for. As previously mentioned the Easton S-9 might also be a consideration because it has a phenominal fit and is a top end shin pad as well. B)

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I've got the Bauer 8000 for when I play defense. They're extremely bulky but protective. Weigh nearly twice as much as my TruLine 5508 Gordie Howe Eaton's of Canada pads I wear as a forward.

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