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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pain on top of my hand

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I have a pain at the base of my hand near the wrist area. It hurts like hell when I shoot and its hurt for a while. ANy idea what it is before I go see a doctor? COuld it be a fracture or a build up of fluids?

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yep, it has come to where I can barley take a wrist shot, ive had to improve my snapper and slapper. The first couple of shots are feeble, but once u get in a groove, you should be able to shoot without pain, or just a little bit. You porbably got a ncie slash across the wrist.

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Although it sucks to hear, the best thing to do would be rest it for 3-4 weeks. Don't take any shots, don't play golf, anything that makes it even remotly painful.

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Judging from your number of posts, I'm guessing it's carpal tunnel syndrome. Step away from the computer once in a while.

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i have this same problem, ive had it for going on 2 years now, i went and got it checked out last month turns out that i had fractured my hand last season and played through it, now ive developed a bone spur and some arthiritus. It really blows.

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I get a pain in between my thumb and my finger on the top of my hand when I shoot pucks. My friend said he also got this so 1 day he got pissed and just took a slapper as hard as he could and it went away forever. Regretfully, I tried this too without the same results.

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