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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Well heres whats happening.. i've been playing hockey for something like 11 yrs now.. and since i have been in some heavy contact levels (last 3 yrs) my shoulders are, Done. Before my games, practices and such, i do sufficent stretching not to pull anything and sometimes im the only guy that streches as a matter of fact. After my game, i go for a shower nothings wrong and then i show up at home and i cant even lift my arms, no joke i can barely make myself a bowl of cereal before bed cuz the milk feels like it weights 300lbs. I dont know whats happening to me.. to be honest it is pretty rough but at 16 yrs old it should not be doing this to me, i did grow very fast for my age if that has any impact, im 6 foot 3 and ive been that tall since ive been 14.. does anyone have any advice on what to do to streghten my shoulders or is it something else because ive been to chiro's and psysio's you name it its been done but is there atleast something that can help me?

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If it's been going on for 3 years it could that you've separated your shoulders along the way and haven't allowed them to heal. Does it hurt to sleep on them at night ? I'm 6'3" as well and was pretty much that height when I was your age. Are you on the thinner side ? The reason I ask is your body might not be dense in that area to absorb impacts.

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i weight 190 lbs.. im not close to being on the thin side.. im pretty muscular with some body fat.. and shit yes it does hurt when i sleep at night.. but yah thats what i was thinking to maybe some separation of some sort but i took 2.5 month off with the x-mas holiday and shit last year and it did absolutly nothing? i dont know its odd...

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May not be a serious problem, but obviously something is wrong. Might be a rotator cuff tear, might just be inflamed muscles that you need to rest and rehabilitate.

Step one: go straight to an orthopedic surgeon and have him take a look at it. Bring along any Xrays you might have of the area. Do NOT bother with the emergency room, or your regular doc (unless you need an insurance referal) as they are simply not trained enough to read the charts! He will tell you what the deal is!

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Any time you have lingering or regularly recurring medical problems you really should go to the doctor.

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See an orthopod. You may have nerve impingement or a host of other issues that should not be diagnosed over a message board. They can do an MRI and find out if there's soft tissue damage etc.

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Yeah I'm 6'3" 180 and separated both shoulders last season in 2 different games. But yeah you need to get it checked out. If it hurts to reach around your back or lift something off a shelf over your head it's probably rotator cuff but to have both rotator cuffs go would be odd. Just get it checked out.

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