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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another Rebellion topic

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I was in a Rebellion shop yesterday and the owner is sold on the skates, said they are great, he uses them for everything but they are a hard sell only because they look so stupid.

He said that they are redesigning their lineup this year, and he showed me a couple prototype holders (apparently designed by the same guy that made the original Tuuk holder, he said the name but I forgot it). Not surprisingly these new holders looked a LOT like the original Tuuks, but with a Supra style heel support (2 posts in the back instead of 1) and stuff. Really fascinating. The blades that were on the holders he showed me were basically traditional blades.

BUT what he said that what is so revolutionary about what they are doing is ... instead of selling a model with peforated steel, they were going to make the steel NARROWER around where your Vapors put the perforation in their steel. And then, instead of leaving it as narrower steel there, filling it in with some teflon to make it the same width/kinda the same strength as traditional blades, but way lighter.

Now I'll just throw this out but Rebellion is really great at making good/innovative/quality products and packaging them in REALLY boring, hard to sell products. Their skates are a great example, most shop owners I know would say that they are the hardest sell ever. Do you guys think that no one will buy these new blades because they look just like a traditional blade? Will all the kids turn their noses at these things just because they look like thier dad's blades?

BTW, tried out a couple rebellion sticks and they are pretty nice too.

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If the blade gets thinner in the middle then only the front and back of the blade will touch the ice or will touch more, unless you mean higher up the blade will be thinner, likw the part that wont ever get skated on?

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I had some issues with the Rebellion skates. Alot that came to my old store had the wrong sized holder on them. We'd get size 11 skates with 264 holders. Also the narrow blade scares me a little bit for stoning purposes. I thought someone else was coming up with a similar idea, not for weight reduction, which in this case would be minimal, but for speed advantages.

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They just redesigned the holders a year ago and they're doing it again? I tried the skates and they killed my feet. They're also incredibly overpriced for the quality that you get. The sticks are garbage too from what I've tried. Look at the hotblades topic, they use the weight reduction technique you're talking about.

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