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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skating without socks

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I still had the blisters in those if I skated barefoot....For now it's fine if I wear socks...

Try Vaseline on your feet under your socks. The blisters are being caused by friction, so the Vaseline allows the socks to slide just slightly to prevent the friction.

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People who don't wear socks clearly never sharpen skates.

Why do I want to touch your sick bacteria filled boot? The stuff that grows in there is toxic, and if your tech has a cut or anything on his hand it can be a huge health hazard. sani socks are cheap and they feel like nothing's there.

Also, the majority of the funk comes from leaving the footbeds in after use. the sweat just sits in there and starts rotting out the rivets, nails and hardware.

Personally when a customer puts a pair of skates on our pro shop counter and I can smell them before I pick them up, they get a healthy dose of rose flavoured Febreeze. Then you get to be 'that guy' in the dressing room.

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Best way to keep odors down is to blow air into the skate so it gets into the toe area. Use an old hair dryer (on cool) or one of the commerial skate dryers like a Dry-guy.

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Well, it's certainly terrible for the fellow who sharpens the skates, but I have the feeling that some folks actually *want* their skates to smell as bad as possible. I have to echo the feeling that wearing socks of any sort is just not the same as going without them altogether.

I think I recall someone here writing that they puked after getting a whiff of some nasty pair of skates.

And if all the sweat compromises the construction of the skate, and the companies know very well that a ton of folks wear them barefoot, why don't they switch to non-metal parts for the rivets and such? There are plenty of things that are just as strong as metal and don't wear out. And voila, no issues with skate breakdown!

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Well, it's certainly terrible for the fellow who sharpens the skates, but I have the feeling that some folks actually *want* their skates to smell as bad as possible. I have to echo the feeling that wearing socks of any sort is just not the same as going without them altogether.

I think I recall someone here writing that they puked after getting a whiff of some nasty pair of skates.

And if all the sweat compromises the construction of the skate, and the companies know very well that a ton of folks wear them barefoot, why don't they switch to non-metal parts for the rivets and such? There are plenty of things that are just as strong as metal and don't wear out. And voila, no issues with skate breakdown!

Cost... I'd imagine that the non-metal materials would be more expensive and harder to get.

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If I played without socks I get very much pain by drive a canadier. :(

Sorry for that bad english I'm German ;D

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Would a box of Baking Soda in the locker where I keep my gear work the same as Baking Soda in the Fridge to eliminate odours?

Anyone ever tried it?

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I have skated with out socks for the past three years and my skates stink considerably less then almost everyone else on my team (s). All I do is dry the skates out after every skate with a hair dryer, spray in some febreeze and let them air till my next ice time. After every five skates (so about once a week) I throw in the insoles with one of my washes.

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Remove insoles and spray lots of Lysol after every skate--I also spray the rest of my equipment.

I have been doing this for years with no effect on my liners.

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Would a box of Baking Soda in the locker where I keep my gear work the same as Baking Soda in the Fridge to eliminate odours?

Anyone ever tried it?

It should work - just don't knock the sucker over!

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