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Jim A

Reading Comprehension

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This morning I posted a job opening on 5 websites. Outlining the job and requirements and finishing with a specific way to apply (i.e. subject title, what was to be attached) I even had my personal email listed so people would know who to direct it towards when applying.

40+ emails later, in just over 8 hours, a whopping 2 people have followed the instructions. I now have an entire folder in my Outlook labeled "Can't Follow Directions". Seriously if you can't take the time to apply for a job properly or write a cover letter do people actually expect to get hired? Also avoid using web slang such as ne1 or wut to name a couple that were used today.

My favorite to date was the person saying that if I was interested in finding out about the relevant stuff that he didn't bother to list, let him and know and he'd list it.

If you want a job, learn how to write a cover letter that doesn't start with "I recently saw your posting", have some creativity and do just a touch of research about the company to show some mojo.

The saddest part is we are talking about college graduates at quality schools.

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Also avoid using web slang such as ne1 or wut to name a couple that were used today.

I wonder if some of them post in the RH forum. :D

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They may be college graduates, but they might also be recent college graduates who have no idea what a cover letter is. Unless they spoke with a guidance counseler, they probably don't know many of the nuances in applying for a job.

Let alone that some of them don't realize that text messages contain truncated words. :huh:

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Oh Jason, I wish that were true. Things have gotten so bad that we've put an entire course in place just to handle job search, resumes and interviewing. They are told one tiny typo has their resume thrown out, and rightly so. The resume and cover letter is the one document you will produce that has your HIGHEST self-interests at stake. If you don't get that right, what are you going to do in the work place when it "doesn't matter so much anymore".

Some of them STILL send out cover letters with typos!!! Freaks me out.

And the voice mails...you should hear THEM. Makes me cringe.

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It's a cut and paste world. A large number of students don't really learn the same way anymore, they retain until tested and then it's gone. Or they focus on the task and not the larger lesson.

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It's a cut and paste world. A large number of students don't really learn the same way anymore, they retain until tested and then it's gone. Or they focus on the task and not the larger lesson.

That is so true Chadd. I'm having to change my curriculum, not to dumb it down, but to deliver it in much smaller chunks. Otherwise they just don't "get it".

When a book is recommended, guaranteed someone will immediately ask "Is it an easy read?"

And when I drag out my soapbox and give the speech about "are you an advertising student or a Student of Advertising" fewer get the point.

Even so, eventually it kicks in.... unless they blow their job opportunities with brainless typos!!! LOL

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It's a cut and paste world. A large number of students don't really learn the same way anymore, they retain until tested and then it's gone. Or they focus on the task and not the larger lesson.

That is so true Chadd. I'm having to change my curriculum, not to dumb it down, but to deliver it in much smaller chunks. Otherwise they just don't "get it".

When a book is recommended, guaranteed someone will immediately ask "Is it an easy read?"

And when I drag out my soapbox and give the speech about "are you an advertising student or a Student of Advertising" fewer get the point.

Even so, eventually it kicks in.... unless they blow their job opportunities with brainless typos!!! LOL

Dad used to have a small agency back home when I was a kid and had interns from the local liberal arts school. They were always nice enough to invite me to parties and share their beer so I can't say anything bad about them.

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This morning I posted a job opening on 5 websites.  Outlining the job and requirements and finishing with a specific way to apply (i.e. subject title, what was to be attached) I even had my personal email listed so people would know who to direct it towards when applying.

40+ emails later, in just over 8 hours, a whopping 2 people have followed the instructions.  I now have an entire folder in my Outlook labeled "Can't Follow Directions".  Seriously if you can't take the time to apply for a job properly or write a cover letter do people actually expect to get hired?  Also avoid using web slang such as ne1 or wut to name a couple that were used today.

My favorite to date was the person saying that if I was interested in finding out about the relevant stuff that he didn't bother to list, let him and know and he'd list it.

If you want a job, learn how to write a cover letter that doesn't start with "I recently saw your posting", have some creativity and do just a touch of research about the company to show some mojo.

The saddest part is we are talking about college graduates at quality schools.

That's why I consult you for my cover letters! I haven't forgotten :)

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Oh Jason, I wish that were true. Things have gotten so bad that we've put an entire course in place just to handle job search, resumes and interviewing.

When I was a junior in high school, 20ish years ago, I remember having a class like that. It may have only been part of a whole semester class on "life skills" or something like that. I suppose my point is that resume writing and interviewing are not intuitively obvious skills. I think everyone has to be taught how to handle these situations. The hard part for the teachers is getting the students to listen.

I really think that most of the errors people make can be attributed to attention to detail and then to laziness. The job I have now requires attention to detail. If I make a silly mistake someone (me) can get hurt or even killed. Once that realization sinks in, attention to detail becomes second nature and carries over into every part of my life.

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