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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SL question

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Hey I recently bought a SL ( 2 days ago in fact) and after 20 shots or so, the damn blade has gone soft. THe blade it self has loss some stiffness, but when I mean soft,I mean there is NO more feel at all. It feels like a plastic blade. Is this something under warranty? Im soo pissed, but I had a feeling it was coming when the face of the heel looked a bit imperfect

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Slap shots? Wrist shots?

What kind of shots? If you do 20 slap shots in a row, there is chance that the stick is going to break or something.

Also, do you tape your whole blade? The impact is much harder on the blade directly than on the tape and than the blade.

Other than that, I don't know what I can do to help you out.

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I don't think that it would be covered by a warranty since the blade itself isn't broken. However, I would go ahead and call Easton. You never know what they might do for you.

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I don't think they(your LHS, unless they are knowledgable) will believe you. They are going to be like, after 20 shots, how can this be true. Anyways, go out and try to get a warranty or something.

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The thing with easton is that you have to ship it back to easton because they are the only company who wants to deal with there own 30 day warrenty, The shop that i work at we deal with everything else. Also when they first came out with the synergy they would give you a new one even for a chip but they have changed alot but i wouldnt take the chance They;ll keep your stick even if its not broken, that is what they have done so far with the people who ive talked to so i would say you are better off just breaking the blade your self or wait until you break during a game if your waranty is still good.

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Warrior and Bauer(as are most others) are company direct, oggy. I shot at a goalie school with my brand new vapor XXX last year and that did wonders for my blade too :rolleyes: Also a lot of my stick's blades went soft in a one-touch pass drill we do in practice. It gets old fast, I feel your pain.

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just jump on the stick and break it in half. Send it back, and when you get a new SL, sell it and buy something else. Those sticks are garbage.

but if the person who he sells it to breaks it in 30days he wont get a replacement because its a warranty and no shop will take it back

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just jump on the stick and break it in half. Send it back, and when you get a new SL, sell it and buy something else. Those sticks are garbage.

It warranteed against manufacturer defects, not intentionally putting 150 pounds on the stick. :rolleyes:

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Most of the time sticks are sold out of the 30 day warranty anyway. It wouldn't make that big of a difference in the sale price.

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just jump on the stick and break it in half. Send it back, and when you get a new SL, sell it and buy something else. Those sticks are garbage.

That's fraud and only assholes do that.

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