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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Car Sound Systems

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So like i mentioned in my othe Car post, i'm in the market for a sound system. I'm not looking to spend awhole lot, as i don't need a pounding system, but i want something that is more powerful than stock. What i need is a deck (cd/mp3 player, iPod ready), 2 front door speakers, and 2 rear deck speakers. I also am looking for 1-2 subs either 10'' or 12'' price depending for the trunk. I need your guys' expertise on what deck i should look at, which speakers and subs are also good. I also need the whole concept of the Amplifiers to me. I don't understand them 100%. What amp would i need to run those 4 speakers 1-2 amps and deck. What do you suggest for decks, and speakers and subs. (Ex/ brands). Feel free to give examples aswell.

Btw, shit on me all you want, but its the only car i can do stuff to, which right now is an 03 Chevy Malibu. Looks pretty sporty so i enjoy it. No i'm not thinking of putting lambo doors on it, or a body kit. Just sound for now.

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the deck will probably be able to power your four speakers meaning you'll only really need to get a mono channel amp to power your sub(s). although i think 2-channel amps are easier to find and even cheaper sometimes.

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So right now im looking mainly for the deck and 4 speakers. Meaning i won't need an amp until i get a sub correct? Should be pretty inexpensive.

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So right now im looking mainly for the deck and 4 speakers. Meaning i won't need an amp until i get a sub correct? Should be pretty inexpensive.

sounds about right. unless you get 6x9s for all four of the speakers, then you'd get more power out of them with an amp.

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I was actually looking at 2 6x9s for the 2 rear speakers and 4x6s for the 2 door ones.

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This is what caught my eye so far. In my price range etc..



Door Speakers:


Rear Speakers:


iPod Adapter:


Whats your guys' opnions on this setup?

When i travel to the states this summer i will also be looking at stuff at places like Circuit City and Best Buy. Any other places feel free to tell me about.

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Believe it or not, try eBay. That's where I get my stuff from...lots of car audio dealers on there. THe stuff is really easy to install nowadays...they sell adapters at stores so you won't have to splice wires to install the deck.

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oh i feel lucky for when i get a car if i gona get good speakers. There is a Crutchfield oultet. they got refurbished, new, used speakers. pm me if your in virginia.

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haha i just bought that same deck moments ago..

hopefully it was the right choice. i was up in the air whether to go with that one or that panosonic one they had for 130.

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The deck i posted?

yeah the green/silver pioneer one.

Let me know how it works. Do you know what FS charges for installation?

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The deck i posted?

yeah the green/silver pioneer one.

Let me know how it works. Do you know what FS charges for installation?

i have no idea. installing a deck is pretty basic though, i'm sure you'll be able to do it by yourself.

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Go with the Alpine deck, they are the best I feel hands down, theres nothing that comes close to my CDA-9811 they have the ability for IPOD linking on the new ones, I just have my IPOD hardwired into the RCA's but the thing is awesome.

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I owned an online car audio business for several years and I have installed many, many, many systems. If you are even remotely handy, buy the stuff online and install it yourself. Or find a buddy that KNOWS what he is doing and ask him to do it. Best Buy and Circuit City are great sources if you want to pay a lot of money for the mainstream name brands and moderate expertise.

Also, if you are on a tight budget, consider holding off on upgrading the rear speakers if you are going to have subs in the trunk. Believe it or not, you will barely hear them anyway (if you have subs). A good high end system will have everything upgraded, but when you are working on a tight budget, just get the "biggest bang for the buck" items first. You will even be surprised on how much the head unit alone will improve the sound of your STOCK speakers.

The decent aftermarket head unit (stereo) will not only have more "power" (watts) per channel (~15 vs 45-55), but the sound quality will also be improved.

My advice...unless you find a package deal, or you are having it all installed professionally in which case you would want it all done at the same time for a better deal, do the project in stages until you get to the point in which YOU are happy. You may be surprised.

1) Head Unit

2) Subs and amp

3) Front Speaker

4) Rear Speakers

You may find that your taste of music doesn't require you to do beyond stage 3, or even 2.

Also, don't overlook buying a quality box for your subs. The pre-fab ones that you find at the "big stores" like Best Buy usually sound like crap. Make sure it is 3/4" (or thicker) MDF. NO PARTICLE BOARD!

This post makes me feel like I am back in the business again! :-) Feel free to ask me any questions if you like.

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Start with a good Head Unit, Pioneer and Alpine have good bang for the buck.

Go with Component Speakers up front powered by a good amp…do not go cheap on the amp! Don't skimp here. Listen to them in the store with your own CD.

Next, depending on what you listen to, go for the Sub. 10†for good base lines 12†to thump. Use MDF board and build your own box….do not buy a prefab from a big box store!

For my rear speakers I picked up a decent pair of 6†for around $70 that had a nice warm sound…Installed them with some bass blockers.

I have a 4 ch amp at 800w RMS. 2 channels are running the front components. The last 2 channels are running the sub. The Head Unit is powering the rear speakers as fill only.

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Another suggestion...get a head unit (HU) that has a seperate sub level output control. This gives you more control over your subs. You can then turn the bass levels for your speakers down without effecting the level on your subs. MUCH easier than adjusting the knobs on your amp. Which you still will need to do from time to time, but this is a quick adjustment.

Keep the bass out of your speakers and it will make them last longer!

On my setup, I can completely turn off my amp and sub from the sub controls on the HU. I listen to a lot of talk radio (no need for bass then). But, when I get tired of that, I flip on my music and with a couple of adjustments, I get the bass righ where I want it. You don't ALWAYS want your subs thumping away!

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Dante, Thanks for both detailed posts. Like you mentioned do it in stages. Well thats what i sort of had planned as do it when the money comes. I was thinking each paycheck buy something. Starting with the HU. I'm not sure if its better for me to buy HU/Fronts/Rears with no subs or amps, or HU/Fronts/Sub/Amp. What do you think is best as you were in the business for years. Also in the trunk of my car, still need room for golf clubs in the summer, and hockey gear in the winter. Any suggestions on subs to still make room for that? Thats the only thing my father is really concerned about.

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