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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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With all of the rain in our area they're predicting the river will crest at 25', flood stage is 17'. I'm on high enough ground that I'm not in trouble, but it could get ugly.

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The mid atlantic region has turned into a rain forest. At least I know I wouldn't like to live in Seattle.

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The mid atlantic region has turned into a rain forest. At least I know I wouldn't like to live in Seattle.

If it makes you feel any better its been 95-100 all week here.

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The mid atlantic region has turned into a rain forest. At least I know I wouldn't like to live in Seattle.

If it makes you feel any better its been 95-100 all week here.

It was 105 last week in Vegas and it was nice. I came back to 88 degrees and 80% humidity. Now it rains for a week straight.

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In the words of Bill Cosby- "How long can you tread water?"

"Build the Ark 40 cubits by 20 cubits by 75 cubits" Right-Whats a cubit and do they sell them at Home Depot?

Bummer deal guys-I wish we could get some of that rain in Colorado-Dryer than a popcorn fart out here

Stay safe

Maybe you can play pond hockey for real!!

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I'm feeling your pain Chadd. The Schulykill seems to be OK here in Reading, but I hit a few closed roads on the way to work this morning. I hear front st., cameron st., and city island are underwater back in Harrisburg. I'm sure my dad's basement is a pond since he is about a block from the Swatara in Hummelstown.

And last week I was wishing for rain in Vegas to stifle the 105.

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As opposed to the other d in Philadelphia?

Oops. It was late and I was feeling lightheaded being around spraypaint fumes last night.

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With all of the rain in our area they're predicting the river will crest at 25', flood stage is 17'. I'm on high enough ground that I'm not in trouble, but it could get ugly.

Maybe you should go back to Elmira and wait it out?!!

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Been lucky here so far, a lot of people in the office got held up coming in due to closed roads but I haven't seen any flooding where I'm at yet. Last time we got this much rain, I drove the wife's car into 2 feet of water in the dark from overflowing creek on my way home from the rink. Lucky for me, I wasn't going very fast so I was able to back out of the water and go another way.

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With all of the rain in our area they're predicting the river will crest at 25', flood stage is 17'. I'm on high enough ground that I'm not in trouble, but it could get ugly.

Maybe you should go back to Elmira and wait it out?!!

I was in Pitt and Syracuse today and I was just hoping the airport was still dry on my way home.


Yes, that's three mile island just down the river.

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Here in the NW we've been having triple digit temps... how about sending our weather back? :D

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With all of the rain in our area they're predicting the river will crest at 25', flood stage is 17'. I'm on high enough ground that I'm not in trouble, but it could get ugly.

Maybe you should go back to Elmira and wait it out?!!

I was in Pitt and Syracuse today and I was just hoping the airport was still dry on my way home.


Yes, that's three mile island just down the river.

And Sunset Golf Course on the incoming flight path :lol:

Nothing like waiting to tee off on #1 for a plane to get out of the way.

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With all of the rain in our area they're predicting the river will crest at 25', flood stage is 17'. I'm on high enough ground that I'm not in trouble, but it could get ugly.

Maybe you should go back to Elmira and wait it out?!!

I was in Pitt and Syracuse today and I was just hoping the airport was still dry on my way home.


Yes, that's three mile island just down the river.

And Sunset Golf Course on the incoming flight path :lol:

Nothing like waiting to tee off on #1 for a plane to get out of the way.

I prefer Dauphin Highlands, you can still see TMI but you don't have to worry about hitting a plane with your wedge. Looks like we dodged a bullet, the river's cresting right now at 20'. Not only that the Beach Boys show is still scheduled for the 4th. :rolleyes:

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lucky... <_<

It's 110+ here and dry as hell. Had about 4 drops of rain 2 days ago...it was such a relief. :rolleyes:

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lucky... <_<

It's 110+ here and dry as hell. Had about 4 drops of rain 2 days ago...it was such a relief. :rolleyes:

It was 101-105 and 20% humidity all three days I was in Vegas and I'll take that over 88 and 85% humidity any day.

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