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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tightening screw on Custom +

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I tried searching but to no avail.

I have Custom + on my Grafs and recently found the blade to be loose. Question is what is the size and type of screw that tightens the blade. Also what is the size of the bore I need to drill in the boot to access the screw.

I don't have access to any LHS that can do this for me so it's DYI. Thanks

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You need a 1/2 drill bit for the hole in the bottom of the boot and and 8mm socket for the tuuk nuts. I would be carful doing it as if they are rusted they can break right off. Sooon as you have the wholes and can get some new tuuk nuts and screws that woul dbe the best.

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They really wern't thinking when they designed those holders.

No, not at all..only reason it's been the standard for 30 years. :rolleyes:

But you have to admit that the way the steel attaches on the Pitch 3 holder is much more user friendly, eh?

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They really wern't thinking when they designed those holders.

No, not at all..only reason it's been the standard for 30 years. :rolleyes:

But you have to admit that the way the steel attaches on the Pitch 3 holder is much more user friendly, eh?

Yea, if you really want to enjoy tightening your nuts all the time and having them crack and stuff, I've seen more mission bolts and nuts crack on those pitches. The Grafs weren't designed to have the Tuuks on them they have no holes in the foot beds, but you can take a torque bit and take the whole holder off and then tighten them, thats how I did my 707's and it worked like a charm.

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From experience, I recommend taking it to your LHS. :D

if u read the whole thing u would have seen

"I don't have access to any LHS that can do this for me so it's DYI. Thanks "

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They really wern't thinking when they designed those holders.

No, not at all..only reason it's been the standard for 30 years. :ph34r:

But you have to admit that the way the steel attaches on the Pitch 3 holder is much more user friendly, eh?

Yea, if you really want to enjoy tightening your nuts all the time and having them crack and stuff, I've seen more mission bolts and nuts crack on those pitches. The Grafs weren't designed to have the Tuuks on them they have no holes in the foot beds, but you can take a torque bit and take the whole holder off and then tighten them, thats how I did my 707's and it worked like a charm.

Actually that's where you were wrong...they were designed with Tuuks. Remember that is the holder that came on Grafs before Cobra.

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They really wern't thinking when they designed those holders.

No, not at all..only reason it's been the standard for 30 years. :rolleyes:

But you have to admit that the way the steel attaches on the Pitch 3 holder is much more user friendly, eh?

Yea, if you really want to enjoy tightening your nuts all the time and having them crack and stuff, I've seen more mission bolts and nuts crack on those pitches. The Grafs weren't designed to have the Tuuks on them they have no holes in the foot beds, but you can take a torque bit and take the whole holder off and then tighten them, thats how I did my 707's and it worked like a charm.

Actually that's where you were wrong...they were designed with Tuuks. Remember that is the holder that came on Grafs before Cobra.

Oh JR, I know that, its the fact that at least the current cobra grafs that people have put Tuuks on dont have the holes drilled in the footbed like the Bauers and Nikes that use them. So for people that have newer grafs with tuuks the only way to do it is by taking the holder completely off, which takes about 30 min start to finish with the screw system on the grafs, if yours are riveted...sucks to be you.

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Holes can be drilled if you know what you are doing.

It's still an inconvience though, but you were right I know grafs were designed with tuuks, I just figure they woulda put holes in them from the factory.

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Nah, no need to since they don't supply them with Tuuks. Interesting to see that Easton does on the SyNergy...great confidence in their holders ;)

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Nah, no need to since they don't supply them with Tuuks. Interesting to see that Easton does on the SyNergy...great confidence in their holders ;)

with holes needed that are big enough in the spots where the tuuk is

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