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Jofa Minimalist Shoulder Pad?

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Recently the topic of Jofa minimal elbow pads likes the 8025/9025 caused me to get a pair and absolutely love them; which got me to thinking... are there any Jofa (new/old) shoulder pads as scant as Sher-wood 5030's?

I know there have been shoulder threads lately so I apologize if I’m repeating, but I did want to ask this specific question. Any help that’d be great, and if there just isn’t anything similar then I thank you for your time.


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I'm not sure if Jofa has anything similar. If you want minimal protecting shoulder pads why not just buy the Sherwood 5030 pads, rather than trying to find something sililar from Jofa? ;)

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I did, but they haven’t arrived yet though. And I guess I got impatient and figured I’d start asking questions in the meantime. Though I don’t have a lot of gear I haven’t stopped looking for and trying new/different things, maybe minimal Jofa shoulders will do the trick… then again…. probably not. I just figured Jofa’s “suppose to be the best†and if they had anything similar to the 5030’s that’d probably be what I wanted.

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All jofas for have large caps. The low end (3500, 5500) are supper light and flexible, and IMO those big caps really do protect your shoulder joints much better than other designs. They are, though, no where near as low profile as those sherwoods. New rbk 3 pads are closer, but still bulkier. If you can't find sherwoods, get itech sp50 or easton classics or bauer classic style sp's.

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Dorph, it's too bad we didn't meet earlier. I just got a brand new pair of Itech 155 elbow pads (same bicep-cuff-less design as the Jofa 8025/9025s) and the Bauer Classic SPs and I don't know what I'm going to do with them since I still like using my current equipment more!

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I'd say look for some old Coopers on ebay. Here are some pretty unique Bauers I found. It's hard to tell how big the caps are though.


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Check out the Itech SP50

I have the SP50's and love them.

I really hate bulky shoulder pads and really only wear shoulder pads in games to protect against cross checks and high slap shots when I'm in front of the net.

These pads are very light and mobile and have a decent amount of protection for what they are. I did catch a point shot in the shoulder under the cap once but since the caps are adjustable, I was able to close up the gap between the cap and the rest of the pad and haven't had any problems since then.

They're perfect if you're looking for a minimal protection SP.

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Check out the Itech SP50

I have the SP50's and love them.

I really hate bulky shoulder pads and really only wear shoulder pads in games to protect against cross checks and high slap shots when I'm in front of the net.

These pads are very light and mobile and have a decent amount of protection for what they are. I did catch a point shot in the shoulder under the cap once but since the caps are adjustable, I was able to close up the gap between the cap and the rest of the pad and haven't had any problems since then.

They're perfect if you're looking for a minimal protection SP.

Those really do look nice and mobile. Chad / MIserable, what size do you think would work for me in those? I'm 6 feet, 180 pounds, on the skinnier side.

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Check out the Itech SP50

I have the SP50's and love them.

I really hate bulky shoulder pads and really only wear shoulder pads in games to protect against cross checks and high slap shots when I'm in front of the net.

These pads are very light and mobile and have a decent amount of protection for what they are. I did catch a point shot in the shoulder under the cap once but since the caps are adjustable, I was able to close up the gap between the cap and the rest of the pad and haven't had any problems since then.

They're perfect if you're looking for a minimal protection SP.

Those really do look nice and mobile. Chad / MIserable, what size do you think would work for me in those? I'm 6 feet, 180 pounds, on the skinnier side.

I'm 6'0 190 and wear a large. There was a review at Epuck that said they run a little big but that wasn't the case for me, I wear large in most shoulder pads.

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Thanks all, really. I’m going to go try the 5030, Itechs, and the Jofa’s till I find something I like. If all goes south I may have a lot of VERY slightly used stuff for sale! The Bauer SPII that was posted, I’m not sure about the ebay size and the hockey giant link only has Large. Maybe because these are “pro stock†and highly modifiable maybe I can rock the large though I’m really a medium build with just to much extra weight? Its not like my shoulder caps have extra flab on them… what do you guys think? I suppose it cant hurt to try it and I can return them for something else (maybe the Itechs) in a proper size.

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