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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chowder Cup

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I have a few buddies playing in it, I plan on going up to watch them, watch out for the team. Northern Connecticut Wings, they are pretty good, lots of Prep Players on there team.

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so anyone go to it? My team ended up winning it in a shootout. Man that last day was tough...4 games.

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My team the beast prospects lost in the semi's to the walpole team..however the refs called 25 (yes 25) horribly chincy calls on us in the first 20 mins.

I will be at the regular one in August Mnitisihin hopefully (trenton sting) we will play you

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My team the beast prospects lost in the semi's to the walpole team..however the refs called 25 (yes 25) horribly chincy calls on us in the first 20 mins.

I will be at the regular one in August Mnitisihin hopefully (trenton sting) we will play you

Holy crap you're on that team? I didn't watch the game but I heard you guys just like gave up and started fighting everyone :lol:

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Where were these games played? From Edge's pics it looks like New England Sports Center...? I played the very first game in the new 5th rink last year, very nice complex.

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i played in the jr. one on a team calle the clovers (we sucked) but it was a good time and a lot of good players

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They were at the Foxboro sports center and the Ioric rink or something like that.

Iorio Rink, Ive played there many times before. What other teams did you guys play?

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Ahhh yes Iorio, fond memories of that rink. I know a few kids on the Walpole Junior Stars. Edge is that the team you lost to?

we didnt lose...we won the tourny

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We tried to embarrass the ref by not doing anything on the one draw. The tourny was rigged becuase the pairings were changed last minute for the semi finals. either way we could have still won the semi's if the refering wasnt biased horribly.

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:huh: how were the semis rigged? the team from foxboro played the other rink's winner on each side...

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I haven't liked playing at the Foxboro Sports Center, the ice is nothing close to our home rink. Maybe that's because our ice is the best, I play at the NESC. It's too bad, I would've checked the Chowder Cup out except for the fact that Foxboro is around an hour and a half away from where I live <_<

Congrats on winning the tourney Edge.

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Trust me Edge the pairings were Beast Vs East Cost express and Walpole vs blank till 3 minutes prior to our game when it was switched. They just didnt want a canadian team to take home the prize is all.

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Trust me Edge the pairings were Beast Vs East Cost express and Walpole vs blank till 3 minutes prior to our game when it was switched. They just didnt want a canadian team to take home the prize is all.

No offense, but we beat Walpole, and Walpole beat you, so maybe we would have beat you in the semis anyway? The Walpole team and our team were pretty equally matched, they probably had an edge on us, but we had the goaltending. I still think just not playing is a pretty classless move though.

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I think the Connecticut Lazers AAA team is going to it, but could be wrong.

did u mean the Jr? because they werent there...i only remember one Conn. team and they weren't the Lazers.

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