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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nintendo ds lite

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im thinking about getting one.

does anyone have one?

how are they?

and also, what makes them better then the original ds's?

what makes the XXX Lite better thsan the XXX?

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When I was in Japan I search over 50 stores all over the country and every store was sold out of lites. They have been out since March but sold out instantly. I only wanted one because of the internet brower but I hear it isn't that good.

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im thinking about getting one.

does anyone have one?

how are they?

and also, what makes them better then the original ds's?

what makes the XXX Lite better thsan the XXX?

Just about to say that.

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I've had mine for a few months and I love it. Racing friends and talking crap has helped it replace my ipod as a travel necessity.

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I dont think they chose the right name. Lite makes me think that Im not getting something

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