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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ok so pretty much i've narrowed down the blades im gonna buy to put in the z-bubble ill be buying form epuck in the next week. Its come down to three either the AK47 blade from warrior, the RBK 5k blade, or the easton Z-carbon CNT blade. Any opinions or reviews would be awesome. Thanks in Advanced

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I love my CNT. Feel is nice and shots fly off

Used a 5k (I had one in my 85 bubble LOL), its eh....ok. Not great puck feel and kind of heavy.

AK27 blade from what ive heard is "dead" when it comes to puck feel

Hope I helped

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sweet yeah i was leaning towards that one, the only reason i considered the 5k was because its shorter and supposidly helps lower the kickpoint of the sticks so now im just waitin for my paycheck next week

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where u working?

the kickpoint lowering is total BS

the loop off of 55, since sunday only 6.50/hr but hey its a start, kevin johnson works there too, its pretty fun.

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Used a 5k (I had one in my 85 bubble LOL), its eh....ok. Not great puck feel and kind of heavy.

I have a 5K in my 85 bubble as well. It has made the stick a bit blade heavy when compared to the Easton Z-Carbon blade I was using before. It's an not a bad combo...nothing brilliant but no complaints either.

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I have the Inno standard blade (same as AK47) in an 85 Z-Bubble. This is a great balance combination as well. It has a great feel for the puck and is extremely durable. Has a great release on wristers. I have made it through a full season with the same blade and a little p-tex.

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I don't reccomend a Warrior or Inno blade for the Z-Bubble. Inno/Warrior blades have a shorter tenon than most other blades. The first time I used an AK27 blade in my Z-Bubble, the shaft snapped in the section where the shaft flares to accept standard blades. When I looked at the bottom part of the broken shaft, it snapped flush with the top of the blade's tenon. The AK27 is a nice blade, but it probably isn't the best blade to use in a Z-Bubble.

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I'd say the CNT is the way to go...especially with the Z-Bubble. When they are put together the combo just feels great. Like Kovy said, I had an AK27 in my SL shaft and the blade just felt dead...such as on one-touch passes and things like that the puck doesn't get off of the blade as quickly as I'd like. The CNT the puck flies off of when you want it to and catching and recieving passes is a breeze with it. Feels very manuverable also. I'd go out and buy a Bubble-CNT shaft/blade if only they made it in a Heatley curve <_<

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sorry, if this is already posted somehwere. is the ak27 the retail kovalev curve, or his pro curve? Or is it just a blade model that has various patterns? thanks.

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sorry, if this is already posted somehwere. is the ak27 the retail kovalev curve, or his pro curve? Or is it just a blade model that has various patterns? thanks.

The AK 27 is the product name of the Warrior blade. Blade model that has various patterns.

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