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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL 06

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not sure if this has been discussed, but i was wondering if anyone knew of any websites with addons for nhl 06 on the pc, specifically, gear and jerseys.

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jbyun04 i see you have done work for that site very good

is that site only for addons for the PC version since id like some of those for my PS2 game

help would be appreciated too

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could someone help explain how to install the add-ons

I tried the NHL06 superpack, it said easy to install .exe file. Installing it was fine but when I went to play now, NHL06 just quit to my desktop, I have not had this problem before installing the superpack.

any ideas?

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that happened to me first time around. what i did was run the superpack, then run the BHImport file thats in the nhl 06 main directory. also, make sure the latest patch is installed on the game, via ea sports. should work with all that done. after countless hours of tinkering with the game, i learned that any time you edit something, add something, modify something, you have to run BHImport.

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