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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ultra Lite SBX's VS Air SBX's

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I have been having a hard time picking one of these skates. I dont no all the fact, basicly all i no is they both of SBX so the boot should be the same in them. but i got prices for them and there is a big difference. 399.99 for the airs and 249.99 for ultra lites. any one got any good info or advice for me?

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If you want true soft boot technology, look at Mission. Easton basically tried to copy the success of Supple fit, but didn't do a very good job of it...The even mentioned the word "Supple" when describing these skates in their catalog...

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i went mission, broke 4 sets of blades, i dont like mission at all. i use only easton now.

because with Easton they only bend out of shape.

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Aren't the Eastons notorious for broken blades?

Mission at least warrantied their steel, and I believe they've improved it since the old days.

Edit: D'oh. Too slow off the draw. Chadd beat me to a reply

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We had issues with our old formula steel from 3 years ago. All of our steel comes with a lifetime warranty. You break, we'll send you a new set right away.

When was the last time you heard of Mission steel breaking at a high or even average rate? Not recently, because we have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars fixing the problem.

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If you liked the mission boots but didn't like the blades, why not get new holders like Lightspeeds on them?

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