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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone seen this before?

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custom insoles are a nice enhancement for those who don't need orthodics...I've been using various Sole footbeds for a couple months now...a regular 1.6mm softec one for the deep boots and a slim series for ones like my 7000's...they run around $45 you put them in the oven @ 200 for 2 min and then they mold to your feet

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I used to work for REI and we had a similar machine/process there. It was very popular with the hardcore backpacking crowd who were very particular about the fit and comfort of their hiking boots. I think we charged about $75 for the service and it took about 30 minutes.

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i know we used to have that back in the 80's-early 90's are our don mills store but we got rid of it just because it took up alot of space and i dont think people were into it alot

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I use the black superfeet insoles that I removed the plastic heel section from-did I do more harm than good? They feel really good in the arches and feel of the skate but is the plastic piece neccesary

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I use the black superfeet insoles that I removed the plastic heel section from-did I do more harm than good? They feel really good in the arches and feel of the skate but is the plastic piece neccesary

I have the grey ones. The plastic is what gives them the support, so without it, what's holding up your arches?

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