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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking For Bauer Vapor XX skates

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Does anyone maybe happen to know where i could still pick up a pair of Bauer vapor XX skates size 7 1/2 E????????

Doe they still make skates in E or i think someone told me now E is EE?????????

Any help would be much appreciated.


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I wokr At Cleve's Source for Sports and we have a few pairs and if you live in Atlantic Canada go to any store and check ther store and then get them to check the computer to see if any other stores have them.

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I am in New york but i would order from Canada thats fine i just need to know how much$$$$$$ US funds and i guess i need 7 1/2 EE?

I am now wearing a 7 1/2 E in an old old mega air 90

OK any help would be great.


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stealing this old thread..

besides price XX(299cdn) XXX(699)

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE between Bauer XX and Bauer XXX skates? I am going to buy one or the other, has anyone tried both? or does anyone know of a old thread I could look at?

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stealing this old thread..

besides price XX(299cdn) XXX(699)

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE between Bauer XX and Bauer XXX skates? I am going to buy one or the other, has anyone tried both? or does anyone know of a old thread I could look at?

The fit should be the same.

The XXX have a clarino liner vs. the grip liner on the XX. The XX liner is nice is you skate bare foot but is much less durable.

The XXX's out now should have the LS2 steel and the holder is somewhat improved from the original LS.

Also, the XXX has proven to be a much more durable skate overall than the XX

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