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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good Short Stories

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hi guys,

I need some good short stories. Preferably ones I can get online. I'm putting together a bunch of competitve speechs called Oral Interpretations that consist of two parts. The first being a short story and the second being a poem. The Poem and the story need a common theme. So it would be a big help if you guys could recommend some good short stories. Thanks a bunch.

BTW: they have to be published.

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I'd suggest you stay away from Annie Proulx's "Wyoming", unless you like books about talking tractors, dead horses, drunk driving, and life in small towns.

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We had to do a big project over short stories this summer for my AP Lit class, I'll ask around tomorrow and see what other people did theirs on.

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ok two more things,

A) I appreciate the help but I need good short stories, not short storie I shouldn't look at

B) It needs to be about 2-3 pages


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Guest 2048

Tolstoy. Sorry, I had to.

I remember reading some short stories by Hemmingway in 10th grade that were pretty good.

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Thanks for all the input guys. I turned in my three speechs yesterday to add to the team library and my coach liked them. I'm more of a debater, but I just needed them to raise my grade. Thanks again.

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