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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new shoulder pads

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If that 95% figure is accurate, it probably means that 95% of the NHL use some form of Jofa gear, not that 95% of the NHL use Jofa shoulder pads. I think I saw a chart a long time ago that says that their shin guards (or elbow pads) are the most widely used, followed closely by elbow pads (or shin guards), and then everything else was further behind.

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You are probably correct with your statistics about the shoulder pads usuage but I would not recommend something I wouldn't be using myself. I've played for years in several levels of hockey with Jofa/RBK shoulder pads and have had no serious upper body injuries. That definitely says something about the protection level of this equipment. Although your might pay slightly more for certain levels of these pads I've found it is money well spent. Weather or not you choose to take my advice is totally up to you. :D

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If that 95% figure is accurate, it probably means that 95% of the NHL use some form of Jofa gear, not that 95% of the NHL use Jofa shoulder pads. I think I saw a chart a long time ago that says that their shin guards (or elbow pads) are the most widely used, followed closely by elbow pads (or shin guards), and then everything else was further behind.

You are correct.

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