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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Command Grip

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Hey everyone,

So I bought a command grip 2 weeks ago and at first I was very excited to play with it because they are way nicer buttend than the buttend I use with tape. But since then, I played 6 times with it but my stickhandling is still off with it. I still want a play with it because it holds so much better than tape. Is Anyone who used it had a hard time adjusting it? I think I might comeback to the good old tape but if someone say it's a matter of time before I adjust I will give it a try again.

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FWIW, I've sold 4-500 of these and not one customer has ever mentioned any problems adjusting to it. You're the first I've heard of any difficulties.

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FWIW, I've sold 4-500 of these and not one customer has ever mentioned any problems adjusting to it. You're the first I've heard of any difficulties.

I'm really picky with my equipment + my bro has the same problem than me.

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What is the Command grip? is it the butt end that you need to cut your shaft like 3 inch more because of the 6 inch plug?

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FWIW, I've sold 4-500 of these and not one customer has ever mentioned any problems adjusting to it. You're the first I've heard of any difficulties.

I'm really picky with my equipment + my bro has the same problem than me.

By any chance did you put the grip on a new-different stick? Or perhaps you just lost your touch. :D

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I found that with Command Grips, the diameter of the stick at the butt end was increased just enough for it not to feel "right" when it came to stick handling. The butt part of it was also bigger than the ones I make with tape. I took it off and went back to tape. I might try shaving the butt end down in the future.

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