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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oakley Face Mask Fit

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I recently bought a oakley face mask. However after installin it i noticed that when i put my helmet on. the mask doesn't close all the way. Kinda like the cage part on the bottom is too short and just covers the front of my chin. I never had this problem with itech face masks, did anybod else encounter this problem?

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I bought a large and the box says large, but i guess its possible the cage itself is a medium...though i wouldn't know how to tell

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If it doesn't close all the way, check the j-clips or that area. Could very well be that there's not enough clearance for the mask to close correctly.

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its not the clips...i haven't installed them yet. It just appears that the mask is too small. However i've never had that problem before and its not like i'm fat and have a blubbery face. Not meant to insult anybody.

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I used to use an Oakley full face mask, by the way I do have a BIG HEAD but I digress...anyways I had an Oakley mask and a Nike 4000 helmet. I had the same problem. The only way that mine would fit was to cut the length of the J clips so they wouldn't interfere with the helmet loops and mount them into the bottom hole on the side of the helmet.

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