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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New equipment bags.

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I was just looking around after ordering the eastwesthockey bag by fury and came across these.

Epuck has the rolling warrior MacDaddy bag

The penalty box has the dolomite bag(no telling if it's in stock)

You can also find the Mac Daddy w/o wheels bag.

and the roller Macdaddy bag(appears to be in stock)

Icewarehouse has the shockdoctor bag for preorder(shipping 8/15)

I just came across these and figured I'd share since I've heard a few people asking about shipping dates and prices.

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The bag with the fan looks cool, except for the wheels.

Anyone know if they will make one that I can plug into the wall in Australia? 240volt.

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bag with a drying system now? whatever happened to hang drying your equipment?! and those warrior bags look like they could be a handful to try and pack gear into if they are solid as they look

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bag with a drying system now? whatever happened to hang drying your equipment?! and those warrior bags look like they could be a handful to try and pack gear into if they are solid as they look

theres a whole huge topic on this bag.

the shockdoctor bag is expensive. its 99+55 for the dryer.

i wouldnt ever buy a 150 dollar bag.

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bag with a drying system now? whatever happened to hang drying your equipment?! and those warrior bags look like they could be a handful to try and pack gear into if they are solid as they look

theres a whole huge topic on this bag.

the shockdoctor bag is expensive. its 99+55 for the dryer.

i wouldnt ever buy a 150 dollar bag.

yeah here's the thread Link

The bag isn't really expensive. You would be paying $100 for the bag, which isn't horrible and $55 for the Dry Blower which is about the cost of two cleanings(from what I've heard about ozone cleaning services offered at some pro shops).

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bag with a drying system now? whatever happened to hang drying your equipment?! and those warrior bags look like they could be a handful to try and pack gear into if they are solid as they look

theres a whole huge topic on this bag.

the shockdoctor bag is expensive. its 99+55 for the dryer.

i wouldnt ever buy a 150 dollar bag.

yeah here's the thread Link

The bag isn't really expensive. You would be paying $100 for the bag, which isn't horrible and $55 for the Dry Blower which is about the cost of two cleanings(from what I've heard about ozone cleaning services offered at some pro shops).

True, go out and price a good quality 40" wheel bag. The SD bag is not much more. And absolutely true on the power pac. I have a sani-sport machine and see the SD bag cutting into profits big time. I got a revised SD catalog yesterday, looks like the bag and power pack were redesigned. The new bags look better, more color choices too.

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LOL I thought you were raving about the SD bag?

Yes, I was/am raving about the SD bag, but I have to be honest too, it will cut into sani-sport business. I all ready have 4 regular SS customers on the waiting list for the bag. I certainly would make more profit sanitizing 4-5 times a year vs the profit made on one bag sale. Oh well, that's life.

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