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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer XX/XXX vs. Easton SL

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my personal preference is Easton sticks. Easton just seems to make the best sticks, period... BUT the XXX is a great stick and can be found for < $110 at some online hockey stores which is one of the best values out there.

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Based only on durability

SL = 0/10

XXX = 2/10

XX = 7/10

The XXX and SL definately have better performance than the XX though. It comes down to what you are looking for in a stick.

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I actually prefer the XX to the SL... I just like the feel of the XX and like its weight and balance. However, I don't like really light sticks. XX wasn't too bad durability wise either. Can't speak for the XXX.

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I've used both the Sl and The XX, not the XXX tho.

From my experiences if you have softer hands you could get by with the SL, If not the Vapor XX will help dampen hard passes and such more readily

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i like the easton you have the choice of grip or no grip and i hate grip so i go with easton sl even those it dont last to long in most situations.

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Durability wise,

Easton break in the blade.

XXX breaks in the shaft.

XX breaks in the shaft.

All in no time. Heck my brother broke 3 or 4 XX(all in the shaft) in a week last season. 2 XXX(All in the shaft) like the week after. Don't even ask for the XXX-lite. Same for the Easton SL, he broke 2 in 8 days(both in the blade, never the shaft). He got the most luck with a V110 Pro Sakic clone. Anyways, he's back with either Innovative or Warrior which he hasn't broken a blade nor a shaft since the end of the season.

The feel of the XXX is pretty awesome thought and is not bad for the SL and XX.

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I also had 2 SLs that broke right on the blade, below the hosel. One was a warranty replacement, and the other was one bought brand new. Horrible durability.

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