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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Golf Clubs

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i jus bought these Golf Clubs and was wondering if they were worth my $100. i am about 5ft 6 and about 160lbs, i am also relatively new to the game.

Thanks In Advance

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The whole bag for $100 isn't bad at all. You may want to have them cut down a bit at some point.

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The whole bag for $100 isn't bad at all. You may want to have them cut down a bit at some point.

ok thanks.

quick question - what does mixed set mean?

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I personally have a Dunlop set. I'm no pro so they suit me just fine, they've held up fine and I find them to be nice considering the price I paid for them.

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i reccomend u use this website: Giga Golf u can enter ur height wieght stuff like that and they'll customize your clubs to you specifications, i have some of there clubs and so far they've been amazing so i highly reccomend them.

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i reccomend u use this website: Giga Golf u can enter ur height wieght stuff like that and they'll customize your clubs to you specifications, i have some of there clubs and so far they've been amazing so i highly reccomend them.

thanks but i still dont know if i am going to really like golf. so i dont think at this time theres any sense getting custom clubs just now.

thanks anyway

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