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vector pro sizing

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Hello, I am a newbie to the forum and find it very useful. I tried doing a search but got a lot of odd topics that didnt help me.

My issue- Currently I am in a 06 892 tack, size 9 width D. The tacks were very awesome and felt really great for the 1st few months. I have had them for about 8 months and they are already broken down. By the end of summer they will be shot. Kinda disappointed but I only paid 270 for them and got great use for my dollar. I skate roughly 5 days a week.( i have no life lol)

I am reallying interested in buying the vector pro skates, its the best value based skate I can buy now. I am going to drop down to a size 8.5 because my toes dont even touch the toe caps in my tacks and when i skate it looks like maybe the boot is too big for me. HOWEVER I need help wth picking the width. I heard manytimes that if you wear a D tack you need to go with a E vector? I tried on a 9 D vector 5.0 of my buddies and the length did feel a tad big so its going to have to be a 8.5 pro. The width felt OK but a tiny snugger compared to my tacks. What do you guys suggest? do I go with the 8.5 E or D. I tried to just go to my LHS adn try them on in both widths and buy from them but all they had were size 5 d lol so thats not happen. its gota be an online deal now. Any help would be awesome thanks again!

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Tacks were always a little too wide, but Supremes were too narrow. The Vectors have been just the right fit for me.

When I got my 6.0 they were more snug before they were baked. After two bakings they really loosened up and got very comfy. 2 years later they're still fine (Beer League). The pro's should give you what you need.

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The Vector Pro's are a very comfortable skate and a D width should be fine for you. I believe that the Vector Pro's run a little bit wider. If your breaking down the CCM's arleady you might want to rethink the Pro's IMO. I have the pro's and have skated in them for 8 months 3 times a week and they are also breaking down around the ankle and mid foot area. All in all it's a great skate and light.

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I'm surprised your 892's have given in so quickly. I have 852's and only after a couple of years of skating 2-3 times per week they're now getting floppy.

How much do you weigh? Also, are you sure they're breaking down, or are they just breaking in?

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I am pretty sure they are breaking down. The ankle area is not stiff anymore and kinda feels like it "flops" when skating. Also i find myself having to tie my skates tight and tight trying to get enough support from the top 3 eyeholes. I mean i am happy with the skates. I paid 270 and they lasted enough time for me to feel i got my money worth. My weight is 205lbs not all muscle but deff not a fat boy. Maybe thats why they have broken down so fast? Well I order a 8.5 D today from hockey monkey so I will keep ya all posted. Thanks again

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I have a pair of barely used 06 892 in size 9 D. Pm me if your interested in them.

Sorry, I've got small feet but a big heart! I wear a 6D Tack.

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Do the pros really have that small feet, or do they just like to wear their skates super tight? I meet one guys that worked in a rink in LA when Gretzky was with the Kings. He told me that one day Gretz was at his rink shooting a comercial, and left something out in his car. He had to walk out into the lot with his skates on because if he took them off his feet would swell up and he couldn't get them back on because he had them so tight. The guy I was talking to had to resharpen the skates while they were on Gretz's feet! Must have been a sight to see!

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Do the pros really have that small feet, or do they just like to wear their skates super tight? I meet one guys that worked in a rink in LA when Gretzky was with the Kings. He told me that one day Gretz was at his rink shooting a comercial, and left something out in his car. He had to walk out into the lot with his skates on because if he took them off his feet would swell up and he couldn't get them back on because he had them so tight. The guy I was talking to had to resharpen the skates while they were on Gretz's feet! Must have been a sight to see!

I'm sorry, that sounds like an urban legend. Skates cannot be sharpened on a person's feet. Perhaps by a hand tool, but no way a hand tool can repair a skate after walking outside on it. Nice story though. :D

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Yes, How awkward would that look! Id pay see that !

an why would they just toss some skate blade protectors on him? I would love to have tried to skate on blades that have been walked on cement!hmmm but wait all i would need to do is go to lhs and have them sharpen them, ugh they are bad....

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