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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme line up of hockey bags

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wheel bags are for girls! if you can't pick up the bag and carry it, then I suggest you pick another sport. Like knitting. Thanks Dean

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I own a wheeled bag which I take on trips where I know I will be needing it. I learned my lesson when I went to Maryland - had to lug a bunch of bags and it just sucked.

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Really curious on this one...if you are too lazy to CARRY your bag, how can you play hockey?  If you are a goalie and want to cram all your stuff in one bag, then maybe I can see this...but it kills me to see 10 year old kids wheeling their gear into the rink.  Damn, pick it up!  These are probably the same kids that still have mommy tie their skates for them. 

I guess I am one of those "a bag is a bag" type of guys (as long as it isn't PINK)

i have never seen a pink bag.....



I was laughing so hard when I put that up on the web

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BTW since eastwesthockey is awaiting shipment of their fury bags you can get your pink fury bag from thehockeyshop without a waiting period.

P.S. Luckily for me they found some extra bags in their warehouse/stock room :D

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Really curious on this one...if you are too lazy to CARRY your bag, how can you play hockey?  ...but it kills me to see 10 year old kids wheeling their gear into the rink.  Damn, pick it up!  These are probably the same kids that still have mommy tie their skates for them. 

I don't use a wheeled bag, mostly because one will not fit easily in the trunk of my car nor through my front door. However, the weight of a fully-loaded non-wheeled bag on one shoulder has to be very bad for your back/body alignment. A few years back there were studies showing that kids carrying school backpacks were already suffering from back problems because they tend to carry them off one shoulder. What do you think a hockey bag weighing many times more would do ?

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Some kid at my school that's a goalie has that pink bag and has the whole Bob Marley outlock with the dreds and red, yellow, green tape job and wears non stop Marley clothing. He's actually pretty good so you can't really make fun of him for being bad and ***.

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