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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I know of a recent purchase via the net. Put his skates on a clay platter @ 220 degrees for 8 minutes. Said the skates molded very nice and fit very well.

as info.

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Those skates are supposed to be heated a max of 3 min at around 160 degrees. There should be baking instructions in the skate box.

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I know of a recent purchase via the net. Put his skates on a clay platter @ 220 degrees for 8 minutes. Said the skates molded very nice and fit very well.

as info.

well he just voided the warranty on those skates.........nice way to ruin a expensive pair of skates!

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i got told of a guy who coudlnt get his skates moulded in an oven becasue it was not the correct oven at his lhs would this be true?

and also that if u dont heat them correctly the ankle padding is ment to pop that is wat i got told correct me if i am wrong tho

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Baking time is 3 minutes max at 175 dregrees in a skate oven. those skates were baked way to long and at too hot of a temp. Check out Nikebauer.com and it gives you a fit and baking guide for the One90

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