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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wrist Roller

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I wanan build one of these to strenghten my wrists. How about would you go about building one of these? Sniper14 told me to get a piece of an old wood stick, drill a hole, use string to join it to 5 or so pucks to use as weights. What did you guys use? Also what routine do you use them in (how often etc...)? Thanks boys.

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i have a bag of $100 worth of (400) us "statehood" quarters that someone bought me for christmas. it weighs in at around 8 pounds. i use a really long piece of stick, about 4 feet long.

about 7 orange pucks should do nicely.

i find that if you hold your hands wider, you get more exercise.

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I use a think dowel; I think it's 1". I have some heavy fishnet repair cord through a drilled hole. On the business end I use a slip knot so I can change weights (I, my son, and my daughter all do it).

Some people will say wrists can be done daily, but I'm of the school that weight training should always be followed by at least one day of rest as that's when you gain your strength. Working out every day interferes with the healing/strengthening process.

We've done two types of workouts, but I really don't know which is the best. We haven't been consistnt enough to measure. One is do it till you drop. The other is treat them similar to regular weight reps - do say n number of up and downs with rests between. I prefer the 2nd. Find a weight that you find it difficult doing 8 reps, work up to 12, then add say 1 1/4 or 2 1/2 lbs and drop down to 8 reps. Repeat till you can bend a steal net post with your bare hands :ph34r:

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The stick part sounds solid, but rather than pucks I'd always used a coffee can full of cement. Granted that may not be readily available but it's always been effective.

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