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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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LHS that carries Mission in Dallas?

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perani's might. I thought players bench would but it looking at their online catalog I'm guessing they don't anymore.. the starcenter pro shops tend to be expensive so I hope you find something else.

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I know that the Player's Bench used to carry the S series skates, because that is where I bought mine. But I have not the Fuel line anywhere.

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It's pretty hard to find Mission ice skates in Dallas. Player's Bench had some of the S series skates. Perani's could get them for you, but you had to wait for them to get them sent from their warehouse. As for the Fuels, I would look at the Star Center or talk to Perani's and see if they have any if stock at a different location.

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I believe the last time I was in The Hockey Shop they had some of the Fuel series, they are in Lewisville, give them a ring before you go...

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