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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBH Vapor XXX Woody

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  CardinalHcky19 said:
  sniper14 said:
  DamnLocust said:
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where did u get a hold of that?

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he probably used the search tool or he just went back and looked for that topic

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sorry didnt mean to quote that noe .. where did graf man get that already.. i know they have them listed at EWh but you can buy them yet.

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This may be the first OPS that I buy. So far it's been all shaft/blade combos, most recently Synthesis.

I really like the look of this XXX Woody stick.

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did anyone else think it was slightly blade heavier? Also the wood finish is just a decal that you can peel off if you spend enough time at it.

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I didn't find it more blade heavy what so ever. I looked down the shaft on the inside and it looks as if they MIGHT have reinforced the sidewalls a little more.

The blade itself is one of the best finished blades I have ever seen and the grip is also really nice, IMO perfect.

As for the wood effect being a decal... yes obviously, colour underneath will be black/ natural carbon fibre. The finish and decal seem very durable so no worry here on it chipping and lookin bad. :P

They now have a measurement on the back of the stick showing you what flex it will aprox. be when you cut it down to certain points.

I've used a Vap XXX several times before and will use this stick on wednesday. It will be interesting to see if I find a difference... no difference though, stick still looks amazing.

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  grafman said:
I didn't find it more blade heavy what so ever. I looked down the shaft on the inside and it looks as if they MIGHT have reinforced the sidewalls a little more.

The blade itself is one of the best finished blades I have ever seen and the grip is also really nice, IMO perfect.

As for the wood effect being a decal... yes obviously, colour underneath will be black/ natural carbon fibre. The finish and decal seem very durable so no worry here on it chipping and lookin bad. :P

They now have a measurement on the back of the stick showing you what flex it will aprox. be when you cut it down to certain points.

I've used a Vap XXX several times before and will use this stick on wednesday. It will be interesting to see if I find a difference... no difference though, stick still looks amazing.

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the sample we got was already banged up and the decal was chipping all along the sides of the shaft and on the top & bottom of the blade.

Regardless, it looks nice but I don't see myself picking one up since I'm happy with my regular XXX Lite. It's a great idea done to a great stick :)

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