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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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GI Stealths with Flex < 100

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Guest 2048
He's talking about Stealths with a flex greater than 100 not under. I thought Bertuzzis was over 100.


<=less than

>=greater than.

think of < as a compresed L for less than.

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I was looking for a flex less than 100. Anything over 100 would ensure elbow tendonitis for me...

With all the rave reviews for the GI sticks I thought I might pursue one rather than a retail.

If I can't find one, I'll just blame New York. Hey, it worked for Darryl Sutter. :)

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I think he just misread the other post with ">100" in as what he was looking for, not what was in the title.

As for ways to remember it, I was told the crocodile eats the bigger number.

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where can I find a stealth. I'm right handed and have been looking all over the place

We noticed the first time you asked. Try ebay.

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