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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector 10.0 Stick

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Do you know if the stick is good because i was thinking of checking out the ovechkin curve and seeing if i liked it because im not a fan of most of the others

Or would i be better off with a forsberg SL

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has anyone used? if so what do you think from what i have seen it looks nice.

Whats the ovechkin curve look like to

I actually bought one the other day. Got the Ovechkin pattern and its a drury clone. Really nice stick i was impressed coming from an SL.

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has anyone used? if so what do you think from what i have seen it looks nice.

Whats the ovechkin curve look like to

I actually bought one the other day. Got the Ovechkin pattern and its a drury clone. Really nice stick i was impressed coming from an SL.

So would you recomend it over the SL

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has anyone used? if so what do you think from what i have seen it looks nice.

Whats the ovechkin curve look like to

I actually bought one the other day. Got the Ovechkin pattern and its a drury clone. Really nice stick i was impressed coming from an SL.

So would you recomend it over the SL

Idk its actually more of a pp thing. Imo i like the vector a little better then the sl. If I were you I'd go to your LHS first if your un-certin about buying the stick, so you can compare both of them and put them in your hands to make the decision. People can give you recommendations but its not going to be as good as your own choice.

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has anyone used? if so what do you think from what i have seen it looks nice.

Whats the ovechkin curve look like to

I actually bought one the other day. Got the Ovechkin pattern and its a drury clone. Really nice stick i was impressed coming from an SL.

So would you recomend it over the SL

Idk its actually more of a pp thing. Imo i like the vector a little better then the sl. If I were you I'd go to your LHS first if your un-certin about buying the stick, so you can compare both of them and put them in your hands to make the decision. People can give you recommendations but its not going to be as good as your own choice.

Thanks for the help

would you recomend the ovechkin curve right now i have an xxx lite but its breaking down and i have a lindros pattern would it be hard to switch from

Plus the lindros i have seems to be bigger with more loft then in the past (Vapor XX stick i came from)

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has anyone used? if so what do you think from what i have seen it looks nice.

Whats the ovechkin curve look like to

I actually bought one the other day. Got the Ovechkin pattern and its a drury clone. Really nice stick i was impressed coming from an SL.

So would you recomend it over the SL

Idk its actually more of a pp thing. Imo i like the vector a little better then the sl. If I were you I'd go to your LHS first if your un-certin about buying the stick, so you can compare both of them and put them in your hands to make the decision. People can give you recommendations but its not going to be as good as your own choice.

Thanks for the help

would you recomend the ovechkin curve right now i have an xxx lite but its breaking down and i have a lindros pattern would it be hard to switch from

Plus te lindros i have seems to be bigger with more loft then in the past (XX)

Idk, for the last 1 and a half seasons ive been pretty much been using drury patterns. And i went downstairs a couple times to shoot and i had a xx with lindros pattern that i tried out and it was hard for me to get used to it. When i bought the 10.0 at the lhs i was checking out some xxx lites w/ the lindros pattern, and personally I didnt like it.

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yea the xx i had lindros pattern was perfect but i broke it and sent it in and they sent back an xxx lite which i like but the pattern seems different and i dont like it as much

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Wouuld you recomend the ovechkin curve right now i have an xxx lite but its breaking down and i have a lindros pattern would it be hard to switch from?

Yes, it would be a very big difference.

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If you are coming for a Lindros curve, a mid curve, to a drury curve, which is a heel, yes, you will have a problem. That is a very big difference.

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If you are coming for a Lindros curve, a mid curve, to a drury curve, which is a heel, yes, you will have a problem. That is a very big difference.

What CCM curve would you recomend I am either looking for something like the Lindros or Forsberg clone

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I've heard bad things.  I've never used it but a few of my friends hated it.

what kind of things have you heard

No feel to it and it being too light.

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If you are coming for a Lindros curve, a mid curve, to a drury curve, which is a heel,  yes, you will have a problem. That is a very big difference.

What CCM curve would you recomend I am either looking for something like the Lindros or Forsberg clone

Recchi --> Lindros

Stuart --> Modano/Forsberg

I *think* those are still the names.

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It's a great stick. I've been playing with since it came out last spring. It has great feel, it's light, and very performing. I recommend it to anyone, the only bad thing, it's not really cheap.

In fact, I like the stick so much that I ordered half a dozen about two months ago. Durability isn't amazing, but it's decent, like most top end ops. Out of the 6 I bought two months ago, I have 4 left. Considering I break about 1 or 2 ops a month, I'd say durability is ok.

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