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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Clerks II

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I finally saw C2 the other night.....admittedly, I'm not the biggest Kevin Smith fan but all in all I liked the film. The first few minutes were kinda painful for me though because (IMO) the acting was pretty horrible. It got better as it went on though, for sure.

Rosario Dawson is so friggin' adorable, it's hard not to take your eyes off of her. That smile......wow.

When my Wife and I were watching it, we thought that it looked like California and when Randall went to go race that karts, we knew right away that it was in CA and I learned that the Mooby's restaurant set was located about 20 minutes away from us in Buena Park, CA. Unfortunately, the location (a closed down Burger King) was bulldozed to the ground a few months ago. Here's a link with more info in regards to that -


Also, the character of "Elias" is named after Patrick Elias, who is Kevin Smith's favorite player. :)

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i saw clerks 2 the other day. i havent seen clerks 1 and i thought clerks 2 was hilarious. the kinky kelly part was hilarious and jay's dancing is very funny.

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