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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

Rolling Stone's Top 100 Artists

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Okay, the second week of Rolling Stone's countdown brings us Bob Dylan, so list your three favorite Dylan songs. (Last week was the Beatles, while Week 3 will be Elvis Presley.)

1. Hurricane - Great music and a wonderful, tragic story about Ruben "Hurricane" Carter, a middle weight boxer who had been imprisoned for murder, but ultimately released because of Dylan and other celebrities' help.

2. Maggie's Farm - A good rocker.

3. Baby, Stop Crying - Most would probably say this is one of his weaker songs, but I love the tune and even his singing.

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I love him as a writer but not as a performer.

All along the watchtower was a good tune, but Hendrix had the definitive version. It may be a bit mainstream but I liked rainy day women as well as my back pages. The dylan-dead disc was interesting as well

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Too bad that Dylan's version of Carter and the actual story were vastly different.

Agreed, JR, but couldn't that be said about a lot of stories?

Still, it brought attention to Ruben Carter's plight.

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Too bad that Dylan's version of Carter and the actual story were vastly different.

Agreed, JR, but couldn't that be said about a lot of stories?

Still, it brought attention to Ruben Carter's plight.

Most will say that he was not the victim.

I've read several papers on the case.

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1. Rainy Day Woman #12 & 35

2. Like A Rolling Stone

3. All Along The Watchtower (Prefer Hendrix Version Though)

Im actually going to see Bob live in Rochester August 28th. I understand hes older and probably wont be as good as he was when he was younger but its Bob Fuckin Dylan and who knows how many oppourtunies Ill have to see a legend live before he passes on.

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