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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung Hockey

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These actually need gold wheel hardware. The gold is a high temp engine paint with a couple of clear coats. Like all spray painters, I can't stand to wait until the paint is cured to start putting things together. The blue rockers will go into the other blue frame today.

I'll give these another day or two to see if it's going to really stick. I'm talking to some car paint guys about primers for this material.

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Love the metallic colors.....It probably wouldn't be practical on the Sprung chassis but some type of flame job would be cool kind of like on the Labeda Sensor frames. I saw a cool paint job on a tow truck of all things the other day that when I saw it I thought that it would look good on a chassis. I have even considered sanding down my old black Sure-Grip chassis and giving it a try as an experiment. The base color was white with metallic blue flames coming back from the front and in the front portion of the flames their were metallic red and blue stars. It kind of reminded me of the Sensor paint graphics with a patriotic flare. Please keep us updated on your progress Keith.

Rick Henry

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These actually need gold wheel hardware. The gold is a high temp engine paint with a couple of clear coats. Like all spray painters, I can't stand to wait until the paint is cured to start putting things together. The blue rockers will go into the other blue frame today.

I'll give these another day or two to see if it's going to really stick. I'm talking to some car paint guys about primers for this material.

I just did some impact testing, and the paint isn't perfect, but if you use the right primer/bonding agent, and give it time to cure properly, it's as strong, or stronger than the printed/screened colors on aluminum. It's not as strong as baked on coats like some frames have, but the lettering on top of the baked on paint, pops off easier than the paint on the samples.

You can do these tests at home on your car and compare the results.

The tests:

1)I pounded the sides with aluminum frames. Paint came off at impact spots only, with no flaking afterwards.

2)I Pounded the sides with Sprung frames. Plastic smears on the paint.

3)I pounded them all over with my 20 MPH slap shot. Broke some stuff in my office, but the paint was OK.

4)I chopped some big chunks out of a hockey puck with a sharp edge on a painted sample. None of the paint came off or loosened.

5)I scratched the paint with a steel awl to check if there was any popping or spreading from the scratches. Nope.

6)I pounded the crap out of my thumb. It tested better than all the frames, but the paint is changing colors, now. Wow, it's like a mood thumb! :lol:

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wow,those are gonna look sharp,what wheel set up?

Just threw on some Hot Shots and Hornets. Something about the skate just looks right.


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Nice, that is my dream boot/chassis setup. I wish I could find some cheap one90 boots, then I would be set.

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wait a minuite..whats uo with your tounge on thos one90s i have them too and that looks like the tounge off a mission boot or is it an older or newer model

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wait a minuite..whats uo with your tounge on thos one90s i have them too and that looks like the tounge off a mission boot or is it an older or newer model

They're custom. Tendon guard isn't vented either.

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howd you manage to get that? if you dont mind me askin

I got the skates off a member on the board, but you should be able to get custom one90s through your LHS or any Nike Bauer retailer.

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Hey Keith! I'm going to be ready to order some Lg frames real soon, got any ready to ship?

We'll start shipping the early orders August 1st. They'll be $125 a pair. The medium is still $119, and the small will be a bit less. Materials and shipping are determined by mass.

Here's a reminder. For some weird reason, 76mm turns into 3" the first time you roll on them, so four 3" wheels with .5" between each. Same as the OG Suregrip Large.

Imagine going into your LHS and asking for 3" wheels. :)




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Finally got a chance to take the Sprungs out today and I'm pretty impressed. I can turn a lot sharper than I ever have but I'm still adjusting my stride to get more power. Basically, I'm so used to playing Roller Hockey that I need to get used to a more ice-like stride when skating with the Sprungs. It was also my first time skating in the One90s, so I was also getting used to the new boot.

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Finally got a chance to take the Sprungs out today and I'm pretty impressed. I can turn a lot sharper than I ever have but I'm still adjusting my stride to get more power. Basically, I'm so used to playing Roller Hockey that I need to get used to a more ice-like stride when skating with the Sprungs. It was also my first time skating in the One90s, so I was also getting used to the new boot.

What size are the boots? They look fantastic. How did they feel out of the box?

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Finally got a chance to take the Sprungs out today and I'm pretty impressed. I can turn a lot sharper than I ever have but I'm still adjusting my stride to get more power. Basically, I'm so used to playing Roller Hockey that I need to get used to a more ice-like stride when skating with the Sprungs. It was also my first time skating in the One90s, so I was also getting used to the new boot.

What size are the boots? They look fantastic. How did they feel out of the box?

The boots are a custom 9.25 and they felt a little tight out of the box (11 shoe) but after baking them once they fit great. It's a nice stiff boot and I think it really compliments the frame.

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Finally got a chance to take the Sprungs out today and I'm pretty impressed. I can turn a lot sharper than I ever have but I'm still adjusting my stride to get more power. Basically, I'm so used to playing Roller Hockey that I need to get used to a more ice-like stride when skating with the Sprungs. It was also my first time skating in the One90s, so I was also getting used to the new boot.

What size are the boots? They look fantastic. How did they feel out of the box?

The boots are a custom 9.25 and they felt a little tight out of the box (11 shoe) but after baking them once they fit great. It's a nice stiff boot and I think it really compliments the frame.

How does the 190 fit compare to the Easton 1300? I'm not familiar with Easton sizing.

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Finally got a chance to take the Sprungs out today and I'm pretty impressed. I can turn a lot sharper than I ever have but I'm still adjusting my stride to get more power. Basically, I'm so used to playing Roller Hockey that I need to get used to a more ice-like stride when skating with the Sprungs. It was also my first time skating in the One90s, so I was also getting used to the new boot.

What size are the boots? They look fantastic. How did they feel out of the box?

The boots are a custom 9.25 and they felt a little tight out of the box (11 shoe) but after baking them once they fit great. It's a nice stiff boot and I think it really compliments the frame.

How does the 190 fit compare to the Easton 1300? I'm not familiar with Easton sizing.

The 1300s are generally slightly wider, but mine are also sz 10.5 (a little big for me) which has made it pretty difficult to get used to. The 1300s in a sz 9.5 would be a closer fit to the One90s.

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So unfortunate Sprung mishap number 2. Looked down during my game last night and my back 2 rockers were facing inward at about a 75 degree angle. Next step I took, they flew off my skates. The bolt that holds the rockers on bent and broke .

Any chance I can get a new axel/nut for this Sprungster

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Sorry, that sucks. Of course we'll replace it.

Sounds like the nut came off. Did it break off at the threads, or just vanish? Either way, you're covered. Email me with your address.


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Sent you an email Keith, you pm box was full

Got your address and they're on the way.

I made this image for comping my ads and point of purchase stuff. A nice one for you Photoshoppers cause it should keep its clear BG. You can put it on a pic of your fav boot to see how it works. Love the wheels!!


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