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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung Hockey

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With the new All 80’s setup frame how will your center of gravity compare to using the all 80’s hummer with the cut out. Will it be higher or lower?

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With the new All 80’s setup frame how will your center of gravity compare to using the all 80’s hummer with the cut out. Will it be higher or lower?

None of the ex-Hummer players on the A8 have said anything about the height. The A8's about the same height as the A6, but the mount plate is thiner, so the front of your foot is lower.

I've never skated on Hummers, so I have no idea. The A8's don't feel tall, though.

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Hey Keith,

The back of one of my chassis was chipped a fair bit, are you able to replace it? It is the previous version. Thanks for the help man!

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Hey Keith,

The back of one of my chassis was chipped a fair bit, are you able to replace it? It is the previous version. Thanks for the help man!

No problem, what color? MYBOXISALWAYSFULL! Email me at keith@sprung-inline.com with your address.

How are they doing other than the big chip?

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keith is T-nuts okay for bauer/nike one90's?

its just that they are really thin on the sole.

did you getmy email today?



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hey keith it's nick the chassis are great they do take some time to get use to though. They do feel close to ice but it isn't ice so they do take a little bit to adjust even if you are an ice player. <_< But I noticed a speed increase and better turnning. It's everything you said.

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hey keith, will i be able to mount the large A80's on a size 10?

10's are perfect.

We're still working with the new shopping cart on the site. Hope it goes up today. If you want to order now, you can contact me through the site and I can paypal invoice you. The next shipment is going to be a week or so late because I stopped to tightened all of the axle nut insets on the medium and large.

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Keith just wanted to let you know i finally adjusted my skating, these chassis are awsome :D My 2nd game and wow the speed and the turning was amazing! You got a great product here, keep up the good work!

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will you be getting anymore large black A80's? if so approx. when? thanks

The first shipment of A8's will be white. You can still dye them. The black A6's and A'8's will be produced next. Maybe a month.

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thanks keith....what's the deal with dyeing them? how do we get the dye, does it chip, what's the process? i'm sure you've been asked this before, so maybe you could just give me the link to the post.

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Torspo was in the booths next to us at the Hockey West Expo, Wednesday. They had a full line of the skates with sizes, and the top end 11EE fit me way nice. I wear a 10D Vapor for size reference. The frames fit their boot bottom perfectly, too, so we had a very nice chat with the owner and some frames and boots are changing homes soon. When they get here and mounted up I'll post thoughts and pictures. Maybe a good boot to convert.

They also had a one-piece black zip-up for kids that had integral shin, cup and elbow pads, plus the hip pad/shorts to match. They licensed the idea from a hockey mom who made $80 grand in royalties last year from it.

And, we're getting some Labeda and Hyper wheels to test out on the frames. There will be feedback and pics on those, too.

RBK/CCM seems to have found the gas peddle and a heavier foot. There are rumors that the new '09 CCM's will inter the lightest boot category at the top.

Wait till we have antigrav material! All players in a category will weigh the same.:rolleyes:

I also experienced some extreme glovelust at the Warrior booth. I really need a stick, but the only thing I could see was the McD. mitts.

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OK, so like the spam says, "SIZEREALLYMATTERS". With that in mind, we finally decided what product is coming out next.

First of all, the medium A6 is becoming the Small A6 with no changes. The Medium spot will have our New Medium A8, which will be 1/2" longer than the A6 and 3/8" less than the New Large A8, as is.

The Small A6 will fit RBK/CCM Senior 6 - 7.5, the Medium A8 will fit 8 - 10, and the Large A8 will fit 10.5 - 13. We feel that this is the best way for us to properly cover the market size range with our best products. We've already started the design work and plan to get the new frame out Quickly.

Nigel Tufnel's Marshal amp only goes up to 11. Our frames go up to 13! :) :) :)

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So will the new medium A8 fit 80mm wheels or can it be switched to a 76/80mm set-up, like you mentioned?

We're going to do the Combos later. They'll be special frames with the pitch built in for two sizes of wheels and rocker arms, so they stay level.

Right now, we'd rather have a medium A80 than two flat frames with a 76/80 in between.

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hey keith, hate to keep bothering you about this, do you think you could post when the black large A8's are available? Also what are the advantages of waiting until they are available or like you said getting the dye, which i'm not exactly sure what that involves. thanks

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