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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I broke my warrior *CRIES*

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Yea, so I broke the blade right in half, just sold my stealth and now have no stick.. good news?!?! I dont play now till Friday, bad news? I can't afford a whole new stick, so I need some advice/comments

1) i want to get a cheap blade

2) what forsberg/federov blade with fit in a Warrior/Inno?

3) should I go with wood or comp?


~from a sad in windsor.... lol

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A dolomite is a two piece, so you can chop it and go tapered. In that case, you could get pretty much any sr. tapered blade in that pattern and stick that in. I'm not sure if it would work, but you could also try heating it and sliding the blade out.

Cheap and which blade are both personal opinion, so I'm not quite sure how you would want to go. I know you had you SL's, but a SynergyII blade might be too pricey for you.

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A dolomite is a two piece, so you can chop it and go tapered. In that case, you could get pretty much any sr. tapered blade in that pattern and stick that in. I'm not sure if it would work, but you could also try heating it and sliding the blade out.

Cheap and which blade are both personal opinion, so I'm not quite sure how you would want to go. I know you had you SL's, but a SynergyII blade might be too pricey for you.

where do I chop it at to make it tapered?

yea I didnt like the SL blade

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Honestly, I've never done more than picked up and checked out the curve on a Dolomite, so I'm not sure. It's a two piece stick much the same as most every other OPS, so i would look for a non-uniform line as a reference (fuse point).

If you can't pull it out, cut a little bit below that line and work your way up a little at a time to get the best fit for the blade and lose the least amount of height.

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i have an orange Easton Si-Core blade in my Dolomite shaft - well balanced combo & good feel.

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Go Old-Skool for Friday....buy an inexpensive (I won't say cheap) wood stick.

i have a easton woodie I bought years ago BUT it's a Yzerman curve and it's just to curvey for me.. just gonna get a blade for now :) hehehe but I will def look at the si-core

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A dolomite is a two piece, so you can chop it and go tapered. In that case, you could get pretty much any sr. tapered blade in that pattern and stick that in. I'm not sure if it would work, but you could also try heating it and sliding the blade out.

Cheap and which blade are both personal opinion, so I'm not quite sure how you would want to go. I know you had you SL's, but a SynergyII blade might be too pricey for you.

This may have changed since it's first version, however, back in the day Inno used an epoxy, not a heat melt glue, making it impossible to heat and pull the blade out (at least, not without damaging the shaft).

Not sure what to recommend as an alternative though as I have never tried to replace a fused combo before.

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A dolomite is a two piece, so you can chop it and go tapered. In that case, you could get pretty much any sr. tapered blade in that pattern and stick that in. I'm not sure if it would work, but you could also try heating it and sliding the blade out.

Cheap and which blade are both personal opinion, so I'm not quite sure how you would want to go. I know you had you SL's, but a SynergyII blade might be too pricey for you.

where do I chop it at to make it tapered?

yea I didnt like the SL blade

from what i've seen all you have to do is feel around or look very closely by the blade/shaft joint area and you can easily see a line that goes all around the shaft. Might be a little harder since it's been used though

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Go with an Easton wood Synthesis blade. Feel should be good and it's always be around for a quick fix. Use something metal to tap the stick to see where it is hollow, then cut below that, working your way up, until you can chisel out the hosel or else fire the tapered blade in it. Try to find the fusing seem first though. It was relatively easy on the Innos I had, but I haven't seen the Warrior OPS yet in person.

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n/m chiselled it out (thx jbyun04)

and I bought a L-2 blade (1) because it was the same color as the starskie LOL


and ordered in another warrior starskie 85flex hehee..

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MissConduct, how much did the Starskie cost you?

ALOT.. lol $249.00cdn+tax

why dont you just get a regular dolomite there a bit cheaper

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MissConduct, how much did the Starskie cost you?

ALOT.. lol $249.00cdn+tax

why dont you just get a regular dolomite there a bit cheaper

i coulda swore they were the same price.. but I may look again, I just "ordered" a starskie, cause they didnt have fed's in that, so I havent actually "bought" it hehehe.. but I will DEF get another warrior (thinkin' I shoulda tried Inno sooner) ;)

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MissConduct, how much did the Starskie cost you?

ALOT.. lol $249.00cdn+tax

Damn... that's alot.

I want a starskie, but I dont want to spend that much.

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MissConduct, how much did the Starskie cost you?

ALOT.. lol $249.00cdn+tax

why dont you just get a regular dolomite there a bit cheaper

They're both the same price...atleat at my LHS

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MissConduct, how much did the Starskie cost you?

ALOT.. lol $249.00cdn+tax

why dont you just get a regular dolomite there a bit cheaper

They're both the same price...atleat at my LHS

on hockey monkey the dolo is 10 dollers cheaper

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