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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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molding skates

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i have a pair of bauer xx. i have molded them, but i think it got messed up because the sides hurt. i am thinking about remolding them. if i mold them for a second time will it destroy the skate?


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Where do they hurt? Inner foot, outer foot, ankles? How long have you had them and have they hurt from the very beginning?

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are graf 735 bakeable?

mixtrey....yes they are

polar without getitng into to much detail.... you can bake the vapors again.

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Where do they hurt? Inner foot, outer foot, ankles? How long have you had them and have they hurt from the very beginning?

it hurts on the outer foot, and ive had them for about 2 months, and it hurts because i think wen i first molded them i was sitting, so wen i stand my foot gets wider. that may be y.

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You should sit but have your feet directly below your knees. Standing can warp the sole.

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What do you mean by "outer foot"? do you mean the outside of the bottom of your foot?

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You should sit but have your feet directly below your knees. Standing can warp the sole.

do i apply any pressure, and how r u supposed to tie em. i hear thing like at the toes loose, in the middle tight, or sumthing like that

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Just try not to bake them any more after you do them cause it weakens the skate over the long run. But sit down with your knees above your feet like chadd said and don't apply pressure as the skate is at it's weakest when it's hot.

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no, like on the top, next to the outer side of the laces. but it only hurts for one of the skates

Sounds like that foot is bigger. Getting that one skate streched might help? JR would no better about this.

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I'm confused...by the laces or just the side of the foot? Should probably get that stretched. If it's by the laces, lace bite?
polar are you talking about where the tongue tucks into the skate?.....

no, its on the side of the foot

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o, and i 4got to mention that i put one of those step things under my heel because when i stand my foot gets pretty wide and bauer's are narrow skates, do i wear them while molding


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