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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NARCh Gold Medal

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Well I just finished my 2nd ever NARCh finals and what a time it was. I ended up finishing with a silver and a gold medal, not too bad considering I went in expecting nothing. In junior gold my team missed the playoff round by 2 goals against, in midget gold we lost 2-1 in the finals (other team got go ahead goal with 3 minutes left) and in mens gold we took home the NARCh trophy with a 1-0 win (this time we scored with 2 minutes left). All in all a great NARCh finals for myself as I could afford to go and am now hoping I can save up for next years finals and defend my mens gold title. How has everyone else done or have you not started?

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well we didnt do narch,went to Detroit for aau and international hockey,still all in all just going away to play other teams and catch a friend play for mens team USA was just plain awsome.i cant wait to do it again next year.

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Law and Disorder were playing Mens Silver while we were in Gold. They pplayed before us one game and looked like they could definitely compete in Gold though, maybe well play them next year.

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trucks...congrats on the medal haul... Sr. Gold has been super deep the past couple of years and a tough division to win..

just for some odd curiousity...did you guys give up any empty net goals in the round robin where you missed the playoffs?

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No we didnt give up any empty net goals so we couldnt use that as an excuse for not getting in. In our first game we were down 3-1 and theyre goalie was playing stellar so we decided to take the 3-1 loss and keep the goalie in net so we didnt give up any more goals against. We knew going into our last game that we could still move on if we lost and only gave up 3 goals. Unfortunately we lost that final game 5-4, a game in which we did pull the goalie but they didnt score. The team we lost the last game to 5-4 though ended up winning jr gold so it was a nice consolation knowing that we could play with the team who won it all.

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Senior Gold definitely has changed a lot since I started. My first year was in Minneapolis and we ended up winning one of the most dramatic games I ever played in to win the Gold. If it weren't for these damn mortgage payments, I would be in Ontario right now.

See everyone at State Wars though!

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