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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pics Of Any Curves

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Can you guys just post up any of your curves? They can be any brand, wood or composite, just list the curve and brand, and the stick. Just your favorite, or any other you have lying aournd...... Just post some pics up. B)

I am getting a new stick soon, and I'm getting an idea of a curve to get

BTW, I did a search and found like 3 pics

And yes, I just found out at 1:35 AM I am going to Canada tomorrow to get a new stick. lol :P

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So um. Walk into your LHS, look at them, then buy one.

Unless you plan to bypass your LHS, in which case I hope the stick comes in 30 pieces and you can't get a warrenty.

But yeah, owned.

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So um. Walk into your LHS, look at them, then buy one.

Unless you plan to bypass your LHS, in which case I hope the stick comes in 30 pieces and you can't get a warrenty.

But yeah, owned.


Go to your LHS and :ph34r:LOOK :ph34r: at them

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On a less hilarious note, I think it'd be cool if the MSH powers that be could start to compile pictures of curves to go along with their database.

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I would be nice but they'd also need to update the list. I'd also be interested in a collection of pictures of pro-stock curves.

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I would be nice but they'd also need to update the list. I'd also be interested in a collection of pictures of pro-stock curves.

yeah i would be much more interested in prostock. everybody should know the retail patterns. those pro stock lists can betough to come by. it all depends on how good of friends you are with the rep and if he knows anything or the right people to get it. reps and pro reps are two different things.

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yeah i would be much more interested in prostock. those pro stock lists can betough to come by. it all depends on how good of friends you are with the rep and if he knows anything or the right people to get it. reps and pro reps are two different things.

Alot of members here own prostock equipment. Of course we're not going to have every single NHL players curve, but we could amass a nice list.

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yeah, on my comp i have hull, prospal, Vikingstad, koivu(and all the other XXX lite curves from eastwesthockey) among a few others.

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yeah, on my comp i have hull, prospal, Vikingstad, koivu(and all the other XXX lite curves from eastwesthockey) among a few others.


that koivu pattern is horrid. there are a few guys that like that sort of thing i guess.... Damphousse. the Peca and Nilson patterns are pretty sweet that J is selling ( if you like a heel that opens ). just like flexes..... patterns are all preference though. :P

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I would go to my LHS, but the closest one is 3 hrs away, and I went there twice before and they had a terrible selection of sticks. Had maybe 25 sticks in all, had no popular patterns at all. Sry

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I would go to my LHS, but the closest one is 3 hrs away, and I went there twice before and they had a terrible selection of sticks. Had maybe 25 sticks in all, had no popular patterns at all. Sry

Well that is a shame. Especially considering that most companies web pages have a diagram of all their curves on them. Oh no, left pictured, but you're rh? Reverse the image.

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okay this thread is more about an ownage than anything else lol..

Looks to me like the whole class is playing hookey. Hookey and hockey don't mix very well kids. :rolleyes:

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I personally like the forberg curve?

I'm a fan of the forsberg curve too.

The nash curve is really good too.

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I personally like the forberg curve?

Umm..... shouldn't you be in english class in summer school right now? You have to learn what a question mark is and when to use it?

Technically he can say that in the form where a question mark is applicable.

For example:

I personally like the forberg curve? *shrug*

Say it the way you would say a question, then it makes more sense.

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SC " alex i'll take the penis mighter for $200 "

AT " no no..... the category is THE PEN IS MIGHTIER "

SC " gussy it up any way you want Trebek.... but if it works i'll take a dozen! "

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