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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First Car

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i am getting a '97 Infiniti I30 for like 5600 so thats a pretty good deal and and its pretty reliable safe car too, so hopefully it'll last awhile

picking up the car tommrow pretty excited hopefully all works out ok

got into my first fender bender the other day except i ran into a wall at a wendys drive though instead of another car, but my parents werent mad, they said i could get it fixed whenever i wanted.

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i have a question for you guys. what did you pay for your first cars and how much are you paying to keep it on the road?

Too much.

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I already crashed my friends chevy cavelier. I was driving and a old man pulled into oncomming traffic when i was about 35 feet away going about 45 I tried slamming on the breaks and I skidded into the back tail light of his car. He told the cops I was speeding and that he didnt even see me comming but I was following the speed limit. I really think if you cant see oncomming traffic its time to stop driving. I think that all drivers over 65 or 70 should get a yearly vision test to insure they are still able to drive. If I was on a cell phone not paying attention I could have hit the front end of his car going 45 much more serious than my 15 mph fender bender (15 mph was my estimated speed lol).

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$475 for my first car. 89 Toyota Celica. What a beater.

Most of us have spent more than that on skates alone...

and what did you pay to keep it on the road? im talking pre month?

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