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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Playing older guys

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Don't run up a score dude. lol not even in summer league. Reading about that is so funny but w/e.

Yeah I know what you mean, I skate with a Junior A club and it's like a tonne of AAA and dub players as well as the Junior A guys, a lotta fun but the coach told me he was worried about me going out there with them. "Men skating with boys, eh" was the language he used. But when he saw that I don't chirp or get pissed at 15-year olds that are faster than me/have more moves than me, he appreciated having me out.

I'm just one of the older ones who doesn't feel vulnerable. I'm a hockey player in a different way, I can't dangle like I used to but I'm more valuable now to my teams and I weigh 60lbs more. :D

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I'm in the 'older' group of guys. I've found that players of any age get a bit pissy when they get out-played by someone they think they should be beating.

Sure, with the older guys it might be a bit of pride, or the old body not being able to do what it once could. They might be annoyed that they were never as good as the young guys they are playing against. Some take it out on the players, others just smile and nod, knowing they got beat by better players. (Watch some of the old NHL from the 50s or 60s - what current AHL players would be superstars against those guys?)

Young guys can be just and chippy if they are getting beat by the old guys. I've been on enough teams to know it's not only the old guys who lose their cool.

I'm in the same boat. My days of glory are far behind me and I have nothing to proove. At this stage in my life hockey is a game that I play for love and exercise.

It's usually the older guys that think they are better than they really are, have always sucked at the game and/or are going through a mid life crisis.

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It's usually the older guys that think they are better than they really are, have always sucked at the game and/or are going through a mid life crisis.

Yeah, I play drop-in with some guys regularly who are all older than me and some of them take it really seriously.

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It's usually the older guys that think they are better than they really are, have always sucked at the game and/or are going through a mid life crisis.

Yeah, I play drop-in with some guys regularly who are all older than me and some of them take it really seriously.

Well, since all of them are older than you, I guess that only the older guys that you play with take it really seriously. :blink:

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It's usually the older guys that think they are better than they really are, have always sucked at the game and/or are going through a mid life crisis.

Yeah, I play drop-in with some guys regularly who are all older than me and some of them take it really seriously.

Well, since all of them are older than you, I guess that only the older guys that you play with take it really seriously. :blink:

While I commend you for taking a shot at Canadian Made, unless I'm missing something what you said makes no sense.

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I usually just play my game and keep my mouth shut. Ringing one off the bar and in does enough talk for anyone.

My thoughts exactly, this type of stuff happens all the time at drop in.

The worst in my recollection was my buddy he's a very big guy for his age at the time and he was also a very good player. A kid at shinny was hooking me from behing as i was racing for a puck and he hooked my legs out from under me and i flew into the boards pretty hard so my buddy came over to see if i was okay and aske dthe kid "why would you do that?" the kid replied saying "if you can't take the pain, dont play the game" at this point i was up and standing again and then the kids friend came over and asked if we wanted to play 2on2 full contact so me and my buddy agreed and we were up 4-3 in a game upto 5 so my buddy passes to me in the slot and i hit the post (we were playing posts) and we won. then the kid slue foots my buddy so i skated over and he swung at me and missed but i got his helmet semi off and started throwin punches. and then his friend and my friend were goin at it. 2 teeth 3 black eyes and a broken helmet later we were pullet apart from eachother. and the other kids had lost the fight but i got a shiner out of it but so did both of them. but we beat them fair and square and they just couldnt take it.

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things like this really go on?

how can you play 2 on 2 with contact? there's so much open room to skate. i can't immagine that.

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I'm 35 and usually older than many if not most of the guys that play with me. Some are 17-19 and playing with us to stay in shape for their next junior camp. Others are mid-20's or early 30's. Now, I couldn't care less about the age of the guy who just stripped the puck from me. My main concern is to recover that puck or at least position myself defensively to help my team recover the puck and counter attack. I know that many are more talented then I am and I can live with that. I'm a big guy too but don't use my size to threaten people who are better than me. I do tend to use my size to my advantage though ;-) lol. I don't see why I should be angry just because a 17 year old kid can run circles around me and undress me everytime he's coming down the wing. As long as he doesn't make fun of me in a mean way or doesn't act like he's the shit, all is cool. I guess the word here is respect. Respect me for the person I am not matter how good or bad of a player I am and I'll respect you. Disrespect me and you may be in for a knuckle sandwich lol

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I'm 35 and usually older than many if not most of the guys that play with me. Some are 17-19 and playing with us to stay in shape for their next junior camp. Others are mid-20's or early 30's. Now, I couldn't care less about the age of the guy who just stripped the puck from me. My main concern is to recover that puck or at least position myself defensively to help my team recover the puck and counter attack. I know that many are more talented then I am and I can live with that. I'm a big guy too but don't use my size to threaten people who are better than me. I do tend to use my size to my advantage though ;-) lol. I don't see why I should be angry just because a 17 year old kid can run circles around me and undress me everytime he's coming down the wing. As long as he doesn't make fun of me in a mean way or doesn't act like he's the shit, all is cool. I guess the word here is respect. Respect me for the person I am not matter how good or bad of a player I am and I'll respect you. Disrespect me and you may be in for a knuckle sandwich lol

I'm with you all the way hampster. I find a lot of players, especially the better ones, have very little humility. Perhaps that's how they got so good. Many don't seem to know when their time has passed; they still play like they're king of the crap heep. Anybody new that tries to claim their little pile is treated as the enemy. I think humility is a requirement to succeed at anything, especially hockey. There's always someone better, faster, bigger, stronger, whatever. Whenever anyone beats me I give them a wtg! I don't do it that often B) , but I always make a point to do it.

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Exactly, I congrats opponents on nice plays wether they score or not. There's nothing better to put a smile on an opponent's face then to ask him to give back my jock strap right after he turned me inside out, making me look like a god damn pilon lol. I just like to have fun at a game, that's all I ask for. I don't care if we're getting crushed 11-1 as long as the other guys respect us and don't celebrate as if they had just won the Stanley Cup after every goal. Show respect and no one will get hurt :lol:

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Young kids like to lip off, and I did the same thing at that age so I don't have a problem with it; its really part of the fun.

But, I have a big problem with aggressive pricks, no matter what their age. We finally booted a guy out of our drop-in nights because he just couldn't resist hacking people, and hitting them when their heads were down. I'm not suggesting we play Ringette out there; a little pushing and shoving around the boards/net etc. is acceptable. But there is no reason to lay a guy out at the blue line because he is trying to make a long pass and is concentrating on getting it there.

I tried to send the guy a message two sessions ago when I put my shoulder into him, but he never figured it out. So finally in the next game, when he came off the ice no one would sub for him. He got the picture.

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Quick Question for you older guys. Do you guys get mad when a younger guy calls you "old man" or "the crafty veteran" even if its jokingly?

as long as it is said with respect or affection it doesn't bother me at all. When they pipe off with an attitude then I feel they need a little demonstration of some of the "dirty" tricks you pick up from years of experience and old age.

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Quick Question for you older guys. Do you guys get mad when a younger guy calls you "old man" or "the crafty veteran" even if its jokingly?

I just laugh. Age is the one thing that catches up to all of us :(

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... There's nothing better to put a smile on an opponent's face then to ask him to give back my jock strap right after he turned me inside out, making me look like a god damn pilon lol. ...

The hamster dance¿ :rolleyes:

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Quick Question for you older guys. Do you guys get mad when a younger guy calls you "old man" or "the crafty veteran" even if its jokingly?

as long as it is said with respect or affection it doesn't bother me at all. When they pipe off with an attitude then I feel they need a little demonstration of some of the "dirty" tricks you pick up from years of experience and old age.

sometimes at stick and puck some adults will get a game started. i try to join in to have fun. i know a lot o fthem so its pretty fun/ sometimes i will beat them though(i am much younger) and some of the newer people at the rink will get kinda pissed theyre getting beat by a bantam. but most people are cool at my rink, so nothin g really happens.

@dietzie just a suggestion, you could takeyounger people on a snipe hunt and see how they like that.

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:lol: the hamster dance.. if you will :lol: Since it's drop in where I play hockey, you get to know pretty much everybody since it's pretty much all the same group of 30-40 guys that play on any given night (22 max per game though, including goalies). You do tend to get along with some better than others and it's with those guys I have the most fun as I am very mouthy with them, nothing harsh though, just joking around and laughing at them. They never miss the occasion to give me some of my own medecine too though lol. It's these guys it's fun to go in the corners with and push and shove for the puck. I usually laugh while we're pushing and shoving as we're mouthing each other out for fun which ultimately makes me lose the puck lol. Like I said, it's all a matter of respect. There's pretty much no hacking, clutch and grab and stuff at our games. Nice clean fast hockey, the way it's supposed to be. You do get the accidental shots here and there but were all very quick to apologize and we know if the other guy did it on purpose or not.

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Absolutley smoke some people. Earn some respect. Make people know they can't just flip out and do whatever to you just becuase your younger.

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Absolutley smoke some people. Earn some respect. Make people know they can't just flip out and do whatever to you just becuase your younger.

That is probably the worst advice short of talking shit to the older guys. If you go out there and its obvious that you're trying to show them up, of course they're going to give you zero respect. There are ways of earning it, but it isn't through trying to elevate yourself above them in that manner.

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Absolutley smoke some people. Earn some respect. Make people know they can't just flip out and do whatever to you just becuase your younger.

That is probably the worst advice short of talking shit to the older guys. If you go out there and its obvious that you're trying to show them up, of course they're going to give you zero respect. There are ways of earning it, but it isn't through trying to elevate yourself above them in that manner.

I have to agee...this is any easy way to get cheap shotted though. Most of us old guys can't do some of the things we used to do 20 years ago and we don't want some punk kid out to smoke (embarrass) us. What does a young guy gain from it...nothing. And if you mouth off or do something really stupid one of the old guys will find you in a corner or with the end of thier stick.

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I went from playing competitive Junior to a Beer League with generally older people then me and I got the same response that you did. Didn't bother playing in that league again afterwards.. If they really get that upset over young players playing they should let you signup to begin with.. If they're going to take my money i'm going to get my moneys worth and now downscale my game because they get upset..

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