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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sales reps?

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The grass is not greener on the other side. Good luck getting to the other side. I'm not trying to smack you around. When I first started in this business(on the retail side), I thought the same as you about the world of reps. In a few years I saw how tough they have it and how easily they lose their jobs. Since then the industry has actually shrunk for vendors and there is less demand for true reps. They are vendor guys now and still face a demanding job with less room for error. Most reps will tell you not to get into the business! And they are not protecting their butts. They are doing you a favor with that advice.

I love you man...I really mean that.

I had a rep who was the most awesome guy. He's now working in another business. I still give him and his kid free skate sharpenings. He was the perfect rep, always there, always resonded immediately, went out of his way. Despite his best efforts, it's a tough industry to make $$$.

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The grass is not greener on the other side. Good luck getting to the other side. I'm not trying to smack you around. When I first started in this business(on the retail side), I thought the same as you about the world of reps. In a few years I saw how tough they have it and how easily they lose their jobs. Since then the industry has actually shrunk for vendors and there is less demand for true reps. They are vendor guys now and still face a demanding job with less room for error. Most reps will tell you not to get into the business! And they are not protecting their butts. They are doing you a favor with that advice.

I love you man...I really mean that.

I had a rep who was the most awesome guy. He's now working in another business. I still give him and his kid free skate sharpenings. He was the perfect rep, always there, always resonded immediately, went out of his way. Despite his best efforts, it's a tough industry to make $$$.

Not to mention the fact a good salesman can earn a hell of a lot more in just about any other industry.

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Even though my view on hockey may have to change to reflect the fact that it is a business, if there is any way to make a living involving my greatest passion in life I’d like to pursue it.

Start selling Flarrow. They used to make great goves, haven't head much the last couple yeas.


You may make a little dough, but also you will start bumping into these reps as they check you out.

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Doing what you love in life is not a waste of time in my opinion. But I'm pretty sure that everyone here will agree :)

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Easy for you to say, you're already there. But for those who keep and keep on trying and don't succeed, it gets old. Especially after 7 years of trying - I think it's time to fold up the tent.

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Don't waste your time. This industry is not rewarding.

i am gald i realized that earlier rather than later. Very hard to make a good living, but it can be a very enjoyable job.

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well this topic seemed to gain more than i expected.. i was juts looking for any advice i just want to get on with a hockey company. i met a sales rep for bauer who just opened my eyes up to his world, and he really gave me interest in this field.

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