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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vecotr PF2s?

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I used them as my last skates. I needed something that wasn't expensive, but would last my summer roller hockey season. I bought them, and they were very good skates for the price. It was only in the past few months that they really started to break down, and the boot started to seperate from the chassis, leaving me no choice but to get new skates. I upgraded from the PF2 to the PF4, and have been very happy with them so far.

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A friend of mine has them, he has commented on how flimsey the boot is and how the top 2 eyelets have come out.

If I was you i would try and get another skate that isn't a manufacturers base model, maybe a closeout or an 04 model or something

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If you're only playing once or twice a week, the PF2 is a good skate. Then again, my preference is that I like a less-stiff boot. The PF4's are down in price too, and they have been a very good skate so far. Maybe you should look into that model.

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My team mate had these and they ended with the top eyelets ripping right out. Tearing the leather not just the metal ring coming out.

So ended pretty badly!

With most skates you get what you pay for, with a low end skate its going to be quite softer, heavier and less durable as some more expensive skates.

Id recommend looking for previous years skates that are on closeout.

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The top two eyelets poping off is common on the vector boots.. I think it was said before on this forum.. They're starting to rip on my pf8s too.. I think there's a lack of reinforcement or the material is too soft up top.. So I don't lace to top eyelets anymore and I use a little sock tape to stiffen up the laces a little.. works for me.. but its probably not for everyone.. I like the extra ankle mobility.

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I know a 2 yr old that has them. His 1st skates and he loves them to death. Even sleeps with one next to him, and I thought I was only one that did that with new skates.... ;)

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