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Tape eating through palms in gloves

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Hey guys...just bought a pair of one90 gloves - absolutly love them!

The only thing I'm concerned about is the palms...they are a mix of a lycra type material and thin leather reienforcements. After just a few weeks play this leather is getting worn quite a bit and I'm worried about the time these palms will last.

I currently use about 10cm of regular stick tape at the top of my stick, I put ribs into it by rolling tape underneath then taping over it. I used to use grip tape...but I'm pretty sure that this causes even more damage to the palms.

So anyways...I was wondering what you guys do to protect your glove palms...this question goes out to both one90 users and any other type...I'v heard of guys using electrical tape because this doesn't wear down your gloves at all...

Thanks for your help guys...

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Hey guys...just bought a pair of one90 gloves - absolutly love them!

The only thing I'm concerned about is the palms...they are a mix of a lycra type material and thin leather reienforcements. After just a few weeks play this leather is getting worn quite a bit and I'm worried about the time these palms will last.

I currently use about 10cm of regular stick tape at the top of my stick, I put ribs into it by rolling tape underneath then taping over it. I used to use grip tape...but I'm pretty sure that this causes even more damage to the palms.

So anyways...I was wondering what you guys do to protect your glove palms...this question goes out to both one90 users and any other type...I'v heard of guys using electrical tape because this doesn't wear down your gloves at all...

Thanks for your help guys...

you already made a topic about this

some one will awnser you in yyour other topic be patient

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try adding some baby powder to your white handle tape and on the glove palm. Gently work it in. It helps soften it up and be less abrassive.

Works pretty good for me.

ya, baby powder works wicked well

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I just dont use tape on the top at all besides a butt end eliminates the problem right there.

This would work if it's the tape that's eating at the glove. However, some people seem to think that if you hold your stick so that the end is somewhere in the palm of your hand, it's the edge/corners of the end of the shaft that will wear and tear up the palm. If the latter case is true, I've been recommended by 3 people so far to tape around the edge of the butt end. If I understand it correctly, let half of your tape strip to hang over the edge while your wrapping it around the shaft--essentially creating a little hollow, walled by tape at the top of your stick.

I haven't played with a stick taped this way yet, so if I'm wrong about it, someone please let me know.

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