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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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awkwards shafts

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Easton used to have a concave/convex shaft too, but I think it was either an aluminum or an early and not so good composite.  I remember they used to have it at a LHS that closed down like 5 years ago.

No, the Convex shaft was convex on both sides.

He must be thinking of the carbon tip. Those were convex/concave and hand specific.

I think it was mid level shaft. Honestly looked like a bauer DET knockoff but heck I wanted one.

That sounds about right. I remember that they weren't that expensive, but they only had them in righty, so I couldn't use one

I still have one and it is an Easton 9800 ultra and they are black and hand specific

It is a heavy shaft but it worked for me as a street hockey shaft years ago

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yah i remeber those 9800 utlra sticks.. they were like an easton e-flex ish type stick was junk but they were hand specific what sticks are hand specific so i can inform him or teach him i should say so he can get his shit straight( my LHS guy)

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The most old school shaft I have is a koho 2271 "equalizer alloy" aluminum.

Aside from that I have vintage deadstock koho vectors and a titan 10000 x stiff shaft and a first gen easton a/c carbon a la fedorov/lidstrom. Talk about sweeeeeeet.

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