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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 piece, Wood, or OPS

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I have been using my 2 piece Vector OPS110 for 2-3 years now for both roller and ice and i think it is time for a new stick, because i'm kinda sick of it and plus its pretty heavy.

I am considering switching to those sherwood 7030 sticks? What do you guys think?


should I invest in a cheap OPS stick ie. Bauer VI?

I am basically just looking for a stick with a good feel for the puck because when I used my vector 2 piece I usually bought a wood blade.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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well IMO the vector isnt a crap OPS..so i don't think you should go with a cheap OPS...try to find another shaft,ligther maybe.

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The Sher-Wood and the Cheap OPS will both be heavier than the Vector. The Vector Shaft, IMO was good. I had mine paired with a Easton Z-Carbon Blade and I used it for about 4 months, before I outgrew it a couple years ago.

if you can aford it, i would go with the new Mission Pulse OPS, it has the performance of composite but with the feel of a wood blade. Which I think from reading is something your looking for.

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You´re sick of an OPS that lasts you 2-3 years? I´m speechless. Or do you mean it´s a broken V110 OPS that you fed with blades for the last 2-3 years? That would be amazing, too considering the Vector´s are some of the hardest to turn into shafts. Anyway....if feel is your #1 factor you might want to go with the shaft + wood blade combo as you won´t find any low budget OPS that really feel "alive".

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btw, is there a HUGE difference between using a two piece stick with a wood blade compared to any OPS that is out there in the market?

I´d say yes. The closest I got was a pro stock TPS Adrenaline and one of the european made Vector 110´s with the thinner blades. I also liked the feel of the tapered Innovative composite blades paired with an R2XN10 shaft but still none of it was wood like feel.

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I wouldn't recommend any of the low end OPS, as i've seen them snap like dried out old twigs. A woodie will give you the best feel, but will compromise some of the regularity and isn't as durable (blade-wise, especially if you're using it both for roller and ice) as a shaft blade combo. If you want OPS performance, but more choice in blades, a tapered shaft may be the way to go.

If cost is an issue, there are tons of cut OPS on eBay going from $20-40 that will perform like any other high end shaft on the market. I have been rotating 3 Synergy shafts for the past few months, and had one other previously. They have just as much pop as any other shaft I've used previously, and feel very similar to an Ultralite. (I'm using them flipped for standard hosel) You could even get one cut for tapered blades on eBay. Before buying, however, be sure that you know the length of the shaft and the flex.

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IMO, i tihnk the Z-carbon are one of the best blade out there, ligthest blade i know. so it would never make a stick feel blade-heavy.Durability: I know people who said they were shit but actually i went throught one in one year. So 1 blade for a year is good for me.

But I have a question..which blade could have a stealth hotter blade feeling without beeing a stealth?(I think i stickhandle the puck better with a blade that ''bounce'' over a blade that absorb the shock) but i think the stealth is just too light.

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I have been using my 2 piece Vector OPS110 for 2-3 years...


110s last forever but unfortunately their blades get soft really quickly.

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OPS's are great but for the money they are overatted. I've used woods, OPS, and modified broken OPS's flipped around and a blade inserted. People always say that the OPS's were made to flex in certain areas and you shouldn't modify them when broken, and it's probably true, but I've had tons of success with it.

I used a Sherwood from the time I started playing pond hockey at age 4 until Bantam year, and you can't beat the feel. But unless you have the money to buy a new wood stick every 3 or 4 skates, it's not going to have a consistant fell or shot. You may be able to get them for $15 but in the long run they are going to cost you more money, if you want the most out of them.

I used OPS's most of my 4.5 years of Midget and had success with them. I used Synergy's for the most part, including regular grey Synergys and Si-Cores. They're the best stick out there for around $110.

Last year of Midget and now I'm playing college I've been using my Si-Cores and Synergys flipped upside down and a blade inserted. I've had the most success with this even though like I stated earlier, it's not designed to do it.

Basically, nobody can tell you what is the best for you but only what is the best for them. If you're asking for a recommendation for I would say go what your already used to.

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I have been using my 2 piece Vector OPS110 for 2-3 years now for both roller and ice and i think it is time for a new stick, because i'm kinda sick of it and plus its pretty heavy.

I am considering switching to those sherwood 7030 sticks? What do you guys think?


should I invest in a cheap OPS stick ie. Bauer VI?

I am basically just looking for a stick with a good feel for the puck because when I used my vector 2 piece I usually bought a wood blade.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Also, I noticed you said it was heavy. A lighter stick is not always the better stick. Ryan Smyth uses a really heavy stick with no curve, and he's pretty successful.

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A lighter stick is not always the better stick. Ryan Smyth uses a really heavy stick with no curve, and he's pretty successful.

Maybe thats why all the oilers make fun of his shot :P

Seriously -- dont go with a low end OPS -- you can always find a last years model for the same price on ebay. Try a M1 -- better feel then most and you can find them on Ebay for 60-65$.

You can even find Pulse's for about 80-85 $ on ebay -- and that would solve the Feel issue-- or so i have heard.

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I have a vapor VI for pond hockey and I hate it. You can't feel a thing with it. I would never use this stick in a seriuos game. IMO

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i'm guessing you're from the vancouver region. go check out coast mtn sports@metro they're selling tps response plus for 99

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I've used many differant sticks and combinations, and IMO the best performance has come from a tapered shaft/wood or hybrid blade combo. I'm currently using a Warrior Dolomite tapered shaft with an Easton Synthesis blade (hybrid) and it's been great.

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I have and use all three pretty much interchangebly "sp?"

But i find i have a heavier shot with wood, and a quicker release with composite and a mix of the two with a tapered shaft with wood blade.

It'll really come down to what you want to spend and how often you want to replace sticks.

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